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MicroCPD: Panopto - Beyond Lecture Capture

Sridhar Pammu considers the varied ways that staff across the institution are using Panopto, giving plenty of ideas for uses beyond lecture capture.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Sridhar Pammu considers the varied ways that staff across the institution are using Panopto, giving plenty of ideas for uses beyond lecture capture.

You can make use of Panopto for this type of feedback and for many other uses. As Sridhar indicated in the video, colleagues at Birmingham are using Panopto in many varied ways, for example to record demonstration medical procedures;  to live stream content; to provide video feedback, to record student presentations or to provide bite sized teaching content wrapped around face to face contact or for distance learners.

Panopto is installed in teaching rooms with over 20 seats. When rooms are available any of these teaching spaces can be your recording studio. Colleagues are making recordings of worked examples and mini lectures using the clip on microphones for good quality audio capture and using slide decks, visualisers or tablets for presenting and annotating content. All of this can be easily captured using the Panopto recorder. Basic editing tools in Panopto help you to ensure that the final version is free of any unnecessary content or outtakes.

You can download the Panopto recorder to your own computer and record where you feel more comfortable. This is the approach Sridhar takes for his feedback videos. He chooses to use the webcam (although this is up to you) and often uses a headset microphone.

Screen shot from assessed lab feedback video

Short topic summaries, ‘meet the lecturer’ introductions, field work videos or anything that you choose to record in remote locations can be filmed with a phone or tablet and uploaded to Panopto via the Panopto app.

Recordings can be easily made available through the Panopto recordings list in Canvas, by sharing the link to the recording or even embedded onto the Canvas page and presented in context framed by other content. 

You can review how students are engaging with your recordings by looking at the viewing figures. This will give a good idea of how many of your group has watched and how much. You can also find out when they interact with your video.

Students can be enabled with creator access to special folders in Panopto so that they can upload video content.

Other advanced Panopto features have recently become available too:

  • Insert Quiz questions in the middle of videos to test knowledge as the video progresses.
  • Get YouTube videos to play inside the Panopto player in between sections of your own recordings. This provides a better quality and more integrated approach than recording YouTube videos with Lecture Capture and is less problematic in terms of copyright.
  • Playlists can be created to curate content from a range of Panopto folders.

Further Resources

Meurig Gallagher talked about his use of tablets combined with lecture capture in this MicroCPD .

8 examples of Active Learning using Panopto in Higher Education, Panopto blog post featuring Dr Daniel Moore and Dr Jeremy Pritchard from Birmingham.

View more ideas on using Panopto from Panopto’s Case Studies and Blog .

Download the Panopto recorder software to any UoB PC from the Software catalogue or from within Panopto for use on your own Windows or Apple computer.

For guidance on using Panopto for Lecture Capture, Lecture Capture+ (for Whiteboard capture) and any of the wider uses explored in this article visit the HEFi Learning and Teaching course.