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NucSoc: Outstanding Autumn Term

Inter-society collaboration, a range of socials and career events with the Student Outreach program starting next semester NucSoc members have been far from bored this term! The committee tells us more.


As usual, the year started off with the ever so popular BUMS vs. NucSoc event, where we joined forces with Materials students for a great night at Rosies. We welcomed our new freshers to our society as well, when we hosted the annual Freshers Welcome Evening.

To top October, we had our Extraordinary General Meeting, where the first years elected Donald Rickets as their representative, followed by a game’s night with a wide variety of video and board games enjoyed by all.

NucSoc on the Societies' Fair

 NucSoc at the Societies' Fair

While we succeeded in arranging relaxing and thrilling socials, the academic side of things was not forgotten. In October we hosted a placement talks event, where students from further years had the chance to share their experiences of summer placements. We also attended the Advanced Engineering event at the NEC giving our students a taste of the opportunities in industry! The main event was our first ever Nuclear Careers Fair late in November, where established companies, such as Frazer Nash, Wood, and Sellafield arrived as our guests to tell the course – and quite a few other interested students as well – about their companies and the career opportunities we face.

Placement talk given by a NucSoc member

Nearing the end of November, to promote inter-society relations, we collaborated with oSTEM for an evening at Nightingales. We also gave the quick-witted quizzers of our society a chance to prove themselves at our charity quiz night. Here we raised over £150 for the Alzheimer’s society!

As per usual, the greatest and most popular event of the whole year for a Nuclear student is the NucSoc Christmas meal. This year the Staff House at the university was chosen as our venue, with great success. Students and staff alike gathered for an amazing three-course meal in festive spirits and colourful Christmas jumpers! While this gave a nice closure to the year and put us all in good spirits, actually, the final event of the term was a Charity Christmas Bake Sale organized with BUMS, to support Crisis, a charity that aims to end homelessness.

Over the next term, NucSoc is taking part in the EPS Trophy sports competition for the first time ever, enrolling a football team into the tournament. We are also eager to put our Student Outreach program into action, in order to help the disadvantaged students in local communities by tutoring them. This is a joint program with WISE and oSTEM.

NucSoc wishes everyone happy holidays and the most amazing new year 2019!

President: Emily Rose Lewis
Vice-President: Sunchi Chen
Secretary: Rob Heymer
Treasurer: Alexandre Souchet
Careers/Outreach Representative: Avery Cunningham
Social Secretaries: Arttu Taipale and Peter Yarnell
First-year rep: Donald Ricketts