The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education.
We are delighted that Dr Tom Harrison, Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and the Director of Education in the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, has been awarded NTF this year in recognition of his outstanding contribution to higher education. Tom will be presented with his award in Edinburgh in November.
The University nominates up to three individuals each year to put forward to the National Teaching Fellowship scheme, which is organised and run by Advance HE (formerly HEA). The winners join a national community of professionals who are passionate about teaching excellence. Furthermore, upon receipt of his NTF, Tom automatically becomes a HEFi Fellow.
Tom comments: “It was a real honour to be nominated by the University for a national teaching fellowship and I am delighted to have been chosen to receive this prestigious award this year. Winning the award has not only allowed me to connect with other Fellows across the country but has also encouraged me seek new opportunities to be innovative in my teaching.”
Professor Kathy Armour, PVC Education, added: “We are delighted that Tom’s talents have been recognised at a national level. We look forward to sharing some of Tom’s expertise more widely with colleagues across the university through HEFi Fellowship activities and MicroCPDs”.
We will shortly be looking for those exceptional colleagues to be put forward for the 2019 scheme. More information, including how to nominate, will be published on the HEFi website in the next few weeks.