From 26-27 June 2018, the Department of Drama and Theatre Arts hosted the annual SCUDD conference (Standing Conference of University Drama Departments).
Entitled 'Partnerships and Equalities', the conference included panels on partnerships and relationships between artists and the academy, equality and diversity, cultures of harassment and a shared keynote from Professor Stephen Lacey and Professor Kate Newey (the outgoing and incoming chair of SCUDD, respectively).
The conference included the sharing of some performance work made by current undergraduate students in the department.
[Image 1: From left to right: Professor Kate Newey, Professor Stephen Lacey, Dr. Caroline Radcliffe, Professor Graham Saunders. Image credit: David Crisp]
[Image 2: From left to right: Dr. Paul Geary, Dr. Liz Tomlin, Dr. Cristina Delgado-Garcia, Dr. Paul Clarke and Saul Hewish. Image credit: David Crisp]