Tomlinson lab on tour in Arizona
Mike Tomlinson's lab attended the 9th International Research Conference on Tetraspanins
Mike Tomlinson's lab attended the 9th International Research Conference on Tetraspanins
Mike Tomlinson’s lab attended the 9th International Research Conference on Tetraspanins
Mike Tomlinson and Ally Matthews gave talks, and Justyna Szyroka and Neale Harrison presented posters; Ally was awarded a travel prize for her talk. Ally’s attendance was generously funded by the Birmingham-Nottingham Centre for membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE), Justyna was funded by the Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP), and Neale and Mike by the BBSRC.
The team are pictured in front of Biosphere 2, the conference location. Biosphere 2 was designed as a closed ecological system, to test whether human life could be supported and maintained in outer space.
Find out more
Read the Tomlinson lab’s recent review article here: