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Research proposals to the UK-Indonesia Joint Partnership on Infectious Diseases through the Newton Fund are now being accepted.

The Medical Research Council (MRC) and Kementerian Riset Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI) are inviting research proposals to the UK-Indonesia Joint Partnership on Infectious Diseases through the Newton Fund.

This initiative will provide funding for high-quality three-year collaborative research projects focusing on infectious diseases (including vaccine development) of relevance to Indonesia.

The MRC-RISTEKDIKTI partnership welcomes proposals across the spectrum of infectious diseases of health relevance to Indonesia as communicable diseases continue to be the major cause of morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. The objective of this initiative is to deliver research funding for internationally competitive and innovative collaborative projects between scientists from Indonesia and the UK to enable the pursuit of shared research interests.

In total, up to approximately £2,370,000 of funding will be made available for this initiative: up to £2 million of MRC funding and up to 7,200,000,000 Rupiah (approximately £370,000) from RISTEKDIKTI. The funding agencies intend to provide support for approximately six projects subject to quality.

Researchers have to indicate their intention to submit by completing an Expression of Interest form. Please email with your completed Expression of Interest by 26 June 2018. Full applications must be submitted by UK PIs on behalf of both UK and Indonesian PIs to MRC by 4.00pm BST, 24 July 2018.