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Advocacy Networks from Development Discourse to Political Spaces: Lessons from Pacific Asia and Latin America

POLSIS member, Dr Nicola Smith, presented at the British International Studies Association's Plenary Roundtable to celebrate 30 Years of Feminist International Relations at the University of Bath on 14 June 2018

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

We enjoyed international and interdisciplinary participation at the Asia Research Group/G&S sponsored workshop on Transnational Advocacy in Latin America and Asia, on Friday 22 June. Contributors explored theories of TANs and developments since the seminal work of Keck and Sikkink in the late 1990s, before examining case studies from Latin America and Asia.

Date: Friday 22 June 2018

Location: University of Birmingham, Muirhead Tower, Room 415.

10-10.30: Arrival and registration with coffee

10.30-12.30 Session 1 Roundtable: Learning from Keck and Sikkink: New thinking in advocacy. Taking an interdisciplinary approach?

Chair: Julie Gilson

Speakers: Maria Rodrigues, Angela Crack, Rosie Day, David Hudson

12.30-1.15 Lunch (provided)

1.30-3.15 Session 2 : Lessons from Latin America

Chair &Marco Vieira  

Introductory comments: Narratives of South-South Solidarity and the Challenges to Build International Legitimacy in a Changing Global Order.

Diana Morales Regional Cooperation and the Spaces of Resistance Arcila and Contestation. The Coffee Region (Colombia) and O[Higgins region (Chile) 

Maria Rodrigues The Prospects for South-South Transnational

Advocacy Networks - A View from Brazil

Mary Menton Power in Peru's REDD+ policy arena: do disparate advocacy coalitions collaborate?

3.15-3.45 Coffee

3.45-5.30 Session 3 Lessons from Asia & the Pacific

Chair & Angela Crack

Introductory comments: Reflecting on the Listening Zones

Julie Gilson Land advocacy in Southeast Asia: Local vs Transnational.

Asmiati Malik The Impact of Illegal Fishing on Social-Economic Welfare in Indonesia

Heather Zhang Critical Reflections on the Binary Thinking about State-Society Relations in China

David Hudson Inside the Green Growth Leaders Coalition: How Network Structure Matters in the Pacific

5.30-5.45 Close