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Brexit: European utopia in limbo? A Eurochildren Project perspective.

Professor Nando Sigona, will present Eurochildren Project research in Berlin on 14 November at a Centre Marc Bloch event focused on the impact of Brexit on EU citizen's migration, mobility and belonging.

Event poster with a landscape of cranes

Centre Marc Bloch event poster

IRiS Deputy Director, Professor Nando Sigona, will present Eurochildren Project research in Berlin on 14 November at a Centre Marc Bloch event focused on the impact of Brexit on EU citizen's migration, mobility and belonging. 

Central to the European idea was the new narrative of a borderless union, with freedom of movement for all European citizens, beyond traditional national narratives. The Brexit referendum and the following highly conflictual negotiations have led to profound uncertainties both on the level of European utopia as a grand historical project and of European citizens’ daily lives.  Professor Sigona will discuss the post Brexit-referendum experiences of families with EU27 nationals living in London and their changing feelings of belonging, as well as their plans and strategies regarding future mobility and migration.

The EU families and Eurochildren in Brexiting Britain Project investigated the impact of the EU referendum on EU families living in the UK. It was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of 'The UK in a Changing Europe' initiative.  Eight policy briefs have been published exploring issues from citizenship and residence rights  to naturalisation and (dis)integration of EU families in the UK.  Most recently, a participatory photo and audio project has been produced from the research titled 'In the shadow of Brexit: Portraits of EU families in London'.

Find out more about reasearch from the Eurochildren Project.

Register to attend the Centre Marc Bloch event in Berlin.