HEFI-OPEN is a platform created by HEFi so that all of us involved in teaching and enhancing learning can raise queries, give and receive advice, and share comments with our community of practice. It can be used to share teaching ideas and resources; look for project collaborators; find out about development opportunities related to teaching and learning; and build and strengthen links within our teaching community across campus.

This is done via JiscMail, the academic mailing list service, which helps people discuss, debate, collaborate and communicate with their peers. By using this well-known and easy-access platform we are hoping to reach a wide UoB audience.

HEFI-OPEN is for staff members with a UoB email address. Its main aim is to facilitate and promote communication between educators who work in different disciplines, contexts and places.  

During the subscription process, you will receive two emails from JISCMail; the first will be a confirmation of your request to join and the second will be to confirm your request has been approved. Once enrolled, if you don’t want to see every mail that is sent immediately you can opt for a daily ‘digest’: from the home page, select ‘subscriber’s corner’ (top left), ‘my settings’, and then ‘mail style’. You could also set up a dedicated HEFI-OPEN email folder via Outlook.

Let’s share what works for us in our teaching practice and what doesn’t. We look forward to reading your contributions.