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Jonathan Price wins celebrated poster award

Jonathan Price wins poster award at the 3rd Annual Multidisciplinary Research Celebration Event 2019


Jon Price's award winning poster on 'Effectiveness of resistance training for chronic non-specific neck pain: a systematic review'

Jonathan Price wins poster award at the 3rd Annual Multidisciplinary Research Celebration Event 2019.

Jon Price is an NIHR/HEE Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellow within CPR Spine at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences and was awarded a prize for best poster abstract at the “3rd Annual Multidisciplinary Research Celebration Event 2019” in Birmingham this month.

The conference is aimed at NHS non-medical clinical staff/managers and those interested in clinical academic careers within the Midlands and East England to come together to debate, discuss and learn about generating research for best care. Jon presented a poster abstract which was identified by event organisers of being high quality and importance.

Under the supervision of Dr. Nicola R Heneghan and Dr. Alison Rushton within CPR Spine, Jon’s current research is focused on how exercise dosage can affect outcomes for people with neck pain. Despite treatment dosage being highly significant in medicine and well recognised in sport and performance fields, his systematic review which was presented at the event has identified that exercise dosage is poorly considered in physiotherapy management of neck pain. Jon’s future research will aim to develop an approach to exercise prescription that can guide physiotherapists exercise dosage recommendations to neck pain patients.