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Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero gives keynote at International Nannoplankton Meeting

On the 16th September, new Marie Curie Research Fellow Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero gave one of the four keynote lectures at the 17th International Nannoplankton Association (INA) Meeting held in Santos (Brazil).

keynote nannoplankton meeting

Mariem Saavedra.Pellitero (center) receiving some presents from the organizers after the keynote lecture at the 17th INA Meeting. Picture by Felipe Toledo

On the 16th September, new Marie Curie Research Fellow Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero gave one of the four keynote lectures at the 17th International Nannoplankton Association (INA) Meeting held in Santos (Brazil).

Her talk was entitled “Living on the edge: Polar coccolithophores”. The INA organizes international conferences every two years, and this year it was hosted by Felipe Toledo and Karen Costa from the University of São Paulo.

In her talk, Mariem tackled the increasing interest in coccolithophore and calcareous nannofossil ecology at high latitudes and showed her own polar research carried out during the last eight years, mostly at the University of Bremen (Germany).

She also presented the latest findings from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 383, from 20th May to 20th July 2019, in which she sailed as a Micropaleontologist.

This IODP expedition investigated Pliocene–Pleistocene atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and their roles in regional and global climate and atmospheric CO2. Additionally, Mariem showed two posters from her most recent publications in Biogeosciences and Quaternary Science Reviews.