Researchers from Project PERFECT will be giving a series of talks in April, May and June 2019
- On 8 April, Lisa Bortolotti presented a paper, co-authored with Sophie Stammers, entitled “When the personal becomes political: the use of autobiographical stories in the Brexit debate”, at the University of Milan, Italy, as part of a Seminar Series on Philosophy of Perception, Mind and Language.
- On 29-31 May, Sophie Stammers will present the same paper at a workshop on epistemic duties at St. Thomas University, Canada.
- On 23 May, Valeria Motta will speak at the Phenomenology of Health and Relationships Conference: Creativity and affect. The title of her talk is “An Argument for the Use of Multiple Methodologies in Mental Health and Psychotherapy Research”.
- On 14 June, Lisa Bortolotti will present her research on optimism (“Optimism: Character Trait or Bias?”) at the Temperament and Philosophy workshop at the University of Roehampton, organised by Joe Saunders.
- On 20 of June, Valeria Motta will present her work on loneliness at the Phenomenology and Qualitative Research workshop organised by the Phenomenology and Mental Health network in Oxford.
- On 26 June, Valeria Motta will introduce the philosophical issues surrounding loneliness at the Understanding Loneliness in People with Mental Health Problems workshop at UCL, London.