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Should I study MA International Heritage Management or MA World Heritage Studies?

The Ironbridge Centre for Heritage courses provide a solid basis for those interested in, or developing careers in, heritage.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

The Ironbridge Centre for Heritage courses provide a solid basis for those interested in, or developing careers in, heritage.

Temples in Bajan

Our two specialist MA programmes in World Heritage Studies and International Heritage Management both give you the opportunity to study Heritage in a world class environment. There are, however, some key differences between the programmes.

Study Modes

1 year full-time (distance learning)

2 years part-time (distance learning)

1 year full-time (distance learning)

2 years part-time (distance learning)

What does the course cover?

A broad-based examination of heritage as a modern phenomenon and the processes and procedures under which it is managed globally. Examples come from across the world in a broadly comparative framework.

A close examination of the UNESCO World Heritage ‘brand’, how sites are selected and managed, and what are the consequences for them of designation as a heritage of outstanding universal value to all of the world

Who should study the course?

Anyone with an interest in heritage as an aspect of the modern world and especially to those who plan to work in the heritage sector in their own country.

Those with an interest in or plans to work with UNESCO World Heritage sites, whether in site management, policy development, or associated sectors such as tourism.

What type of jobs do students get after graduation?

Opportunities are wide. Our students work in national heritage agencies, at specific sites, in government, and as consultants. Roles are diverse: in management, in outreach and education, in conservation.

Opportunities are equally wide. Many work for agencies responsible for World Heritage sites and tourism, including management of specific World Heritage sites. Others find roles in national and international agencies responsible for both tangible and intangible heritage

What if I don’t want to work in the heritage sector?

The programme offers the chance to study an interesting part of modern society in all its aspects. It provides a range of skills useful in almost any sector and a basis for developing a research career

The programme offers, through close engagement with World Heritage, insight into the way international and global agencies operate and how they engage with an important aspect of modern society and politics. It provides a range of skills useful in almost any sector and a basis for developing a research career