This semester the Cameroon Catalyst Birmingham chapter have been focusing on fundraising in order to reach our goal to fund our latrine project that will be used in a town, in Cameroon where markets are common throughout the week. One of our new fundraising events was a “Blind book date”. This involved going to local charity shops and buying cheap books. We then wrapped the books up in newspaper and wrote three words, which we felt best reflected the theme of the book. This was particularly successful and is definitely something we want to do again. We’ve also done more Krispy Kreme sales – our go to fundraiser!
After Easter, we have a few big events planned. We’re planning to help organise Pangaea again; a cultural showcase where different societies will perform, including dance societies and spoken word groups. The organisation of a sponsored walk as a way to contribute to everyone’s personal fundraising is also in the works. Currently, we are planning to walk along the Thames in Oxford – approximately 30 miles.
The design is getting closer to being ready and as a team we are currently compiling an updated and revised work package. The summer research trip to Cameroon will be a good opportunity to have any key questions regarding the design answered and we’re looking forward to seeing what our members get up to there. The senior committee also came to Birmingham this semester, which was a great chance to speak to them and share any fundraising ideas we had.