
Staff member Kanako takes advantage of the bike loan scheme

Dedicated work to promote and support sustainable travel at the University of Birmingham is having an impact, with an increase in cycling, public transport and car sharing from both staff and students.

A survey of 7,450 staff and students in 2018 shows that improvements have been made in recent years.

10% of University of Birmingham staff cycle to  work every day. This is more than three times the average for Birmingham, which is 3%, and represents an increase of 2% in just two years. This is supported by bike loan schemes, dedicated and secure bike parking and specialist advice for cyclists.

9% of staff now car share, with just 35% driving as a single occupant – this is down 5% in the last 10 years. This is supported by University Carshare scheme, which gives priority parking to those who share their journey to campus.

34% of staff use public transport, with rises in both bus and train use in recent years. This has been supported by positive engagement with local bus companies around discounted rates and minor route alterations.

Not to be left out, 78% of undergraduate students travel on foot or by bike, and their single occupancy car use has almost halved in the last 10 years, to less than 5%.

Sustainable Travel Co-ordinator Peter Edwards said: “We are really proud of these results, which really show the results of our hard work over the last decade. We are constantly trying to think of new ways to reduce the number of single occupancy cars on the road, always taking into account feedback from staff and students. We owe it to our immediate environment to do all we can to reduce emissions and the impact of our travel locally.  We will continue to put in place measures that enable people to use sustainable travel options.”

For further information, please contact Head of Communications and Engagement (Infrastructure) Sally Xerri-Brooks on +44 (0)121 414 3984.