No fewer than 70 delegates from across the world assembled at the University's Edgbaston Campus for the Eleventh Birmingham Colloquium. The theme for the Colloquium was At One Remove: Versions and Other Indirect Evidence for the New Testament. There were 26 papers on the textual history of the New Testament, considering languages including Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Gothic, Arabic and Caucasian Albanian (listed on the Colloquium Timetable). Numerous images of manuscripts, including palimpsests, adorned the illustrated presentations.
Participants in the Colloquium also enjoyed a social evening in Brook's Sports Bar, a formal dinner in Staff House with a 'carnival' theme and a presentation by Dr Nicholas Hardy, and a guided tour of Birmingham Cathedral.
Three of the papers were given by current postgraduate students at ITSEE: Benjamin Haupt, Anna Persig and Peter Montoro. We were also glad to welcome back Prof. David Taylor of the University of Oxford, who co-founded the Birmingham Colloquium in 1997, for a highlight paper on New Developments in the Old Syriac Gospels.
The Participants at the Eleventh Birmingham Colloquium