This article is part of our online news archive

Welcome from BEaMS

After an amazing ending to last year, BEaMS welcome you to the new academic year 2019-20!

Black Ethnic and Minority Scientists

After an amazing ending to last year, BEaMS welcome you to the new academic year 2019-20!

Our last event of the last academic year was a real success! On 4 March we hosted a dinner for our members in the Physics Bridge. This was a great opportunity to network with other BME scientists and fellow students, even including PhD students. We even had the pleasure of welcoming some recent graduates back to the University to join us! There was a very pleasant environment with guests, students and graduates alike, discussed their experiences in the industry or the workplace, and their educational journey. We also took the opportunity to formally introduce the missions and values of the Black and Ethnic Minority Society (BEaMS) to our newest members.

Dinner event for the Black Ethnic and Minority Scientists Society

BEaMS is was established as society in October 2018. Since then we have not stopped growing and developing. The enthusiasm that the committee has demonstrated to create such strong a network, the work of all those who support our vision, and everyone who’s gotten involved with the Society, resulted in us winning the Diversity and Inclusion Award at the 2019 EPS Societies’ Awards. Thank you to everyone who’s supported us!

Black Ethnic and Minority Scientists Society collecting their Diversity and Inclusion Award in June 2019

After an amazing end to last academic year, we are back. From BEaMS we welcome you to the new academic year 2019/20! This year will be expanding our network and will work to connect more people from different areas of STEM at various levels. We aim to continue to represent and promote equality and diversity within the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, and the wider University community.

We are delighted to introduce our 2019/20 committee:

  • Mira Shukla – President
  • Foday Kamara – Vice-President
  • Hawa Bah Bah – Secretary
  • Abi Ibrahim – Treasurer
  • Josh Mukura – Social Media
  • Gloria Joyce – Outreach 
  • Tobi Henry – Events Catering Manager
  • Isa Maneh, Tasnuba Rahman, Tianran Fang – Committee members

We are excited about the upcoming events we are planning for this year! And we look forward to working together in order to turn numerous more ideas into reality. We encourage you to get involved and invite you to come along to any of our events or contact us to work with us; we’d love to hear from you! Plus you can stay up to date with everything we do by joining our Facebook group, or follow us on Twitter (@BeamsUob) and Instagram (beams_uob).

We can’t wait to meet you!