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Welcome to your 2019 Chemical Engineering Alumni Newsletter

Introduction to alumni by Mark Simmons, Head of the School of Chemical Engineering


As I write this introduction we are preparing to welcome our new students for the start of the new academic year.

Looking back on the last year there have been many highlights. In this newsletter we cover all the news and events that we hope keep you informed about Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham. This covers research, advancements in medical technologies, Royal visits, student successes and awards, news from our alumni and much more.

We were delighted to welcome back alumni in June for the annual Alumni Reunion. As usual, one of the highlights is the visit to Lecture Theatre 124 (now fondly renamed “The Biddlestone Lecture Theatre”) where guests remember exactly where they sat for lectures. It would be great to see you back on campus for the Alumni Reunion in June 2020 to reminisce with friends and find out how the University has changed since your time as a student.

Finally, a big thank you to the 56 of you who have kindly volunteered with the School over the last academic year. This includes 23 mentors, 5 advisory board members, at least 8 guest speakers and 5 graduates featuring at Open Days or outreach events. Thank you, you've made a real impact here! If you'd like to get involved too, please get in touch with our Alumni Relations Manager, Grace Surman on

Best wishes

Mark Simmons
Head of School