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Addressing failure and turnaround in health care organisations: a review of current approaches and experiences across NHS providers

Dr Ross Millar and Sarah Morgan present findings from their NIHR funded research at the HSR UK 2020 Conference.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Dr Ross Millar from HSMC and Sarah Morgan from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust presented findings from their NIHR funded research into inter-organisational partnering as an approach to performance improvement.

Their presentation contributed to a HSRUK interactive workshop exploring different approaches to understanding failure and turnaround in NHS provider organisations. The workshop was chaired by Professor Naomi Fulop (University College London) and included two other presentations from Professor Kieran Walshe (University of Manchester) examining failure and turnaround of NHS providers from a capability perspective; and Dr Jean Ledger (University College London) and Chris Sherlaw-Johnson (Nuffield Trust) examining the impact of improvement interventions for NHS providers in Special Measures

The session aimed to further knowledge and understanding about this key area of policy and practice, raising important questions and debates about current and future approaches to performance improvement across the healthcare provider sector.

The Health Services Research UK Conference 2020 will be taking place between 1-3 July 2020 as a virtual and online conference and is completely free to anyone who wants to attend.  You can register for the conference here.  The research papers and workshop sessions of the conference have been pre-recorded and are being uploaded onto the HSRUK website on a daily basis from 15 June 2020.

HSR UK will be livestreaming all the plenary sessions and making all of them, along with the research presentations, available to watch on their YouTube channel and via their website.

You can also follow the conference, and discussion about research presentations, on Twitter by following the hashtag #HSRUK2020