Singers from the University of Birmingham have this month collaborated with international partners to create a massed virtual choir performance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Sing Around The gloBe” – a project supported by the Diocesan Choral Society in Hong Kong – brought together over 20 choirs from across the world to celebrate friendship and singing together in time of crisis. With more than 160 singers across five continents, the project saw collaborations with leading choral directors in a virtual performance of Frank Ticheli’s Earth Song.

Countries involved in the collaboration included many centres of choral endeavour, with China, Finland, Mexico, South Africa, and the USA providing young singers. The project also saw the blossoming of new HE partnerships, including with the Hochschule für Musik, Detmold in Germany, University of Oslo, University of North Florida, and the University of Pretoria.

Sing Around The GloBe logo

Choirs and choral training is an integral part of University Music in Birmingham, and offer unrivalled opportunities for young singers and conductors at any university in the UK. For more information, or if you would like to find out more about choirs at University of Birmingham, please contact Gavin Allsop (

Find out what Birmingham singers have been missing about choir during the pandemic here.