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BUDSS: Helping Out the Local Community

Birmingham University Dental Student Society helped raise items for Birmingham Central Foodbank.

Two male members of the Dental Roots BUDSS team and their food collection

BUDSS members with some of their food collection. Students pictured are part of the same household

This year, Birmingham University Dental Student Society (BUDSS), has been restricted in what it is able to do for our students. I thought to myself, how can BUDSS bring students together – whilst staying (socially distanced) apart? 

I saw a post online of a medical society’s food bank collection, so I messaged them and asked if they would mind if BUDSS were to follow suit. With swift planning from the committee, we organised a collection for Birmingham Central Foodbank.

Throughout the half-term week of October, committee members scurried around the streets of Selly Oak to collect food donations from students’ doorsteps – socially distanced and wearing the necessary PPE, of course! The quantity of donations collected from our students has been staggering. Donations included tinned vegetables/meat, UHT milk, cereal, biscuits, crisps, pasta sauce, bags for life, squash and other items. Students donated all these items and more, in large quantities. In this difficult time for all, it has been extremely humbling to see our students willing to help out those in need. The support demonstrated is testament to the ethos and values that the future clinicians produced from the University of Birmingham will have. 

Every donation and every hour spent volunteering has been to benefit those in the most need in our city. In tough times, it is warming to see such a response from our students. Following on from BUDSS’ campaign, the regional news caught wind of our campaign, as well as another dental student society. A fantastic outcome for those most in need – helping foodbanks to survive with increased pressures in the current climate.

Beant Thandi BDS 4, BUDSS President 2020-2021