On the Remote Teaching Resource HEFi has put together a wide variety of resources that can help you when designing assessments. There is a specific module on Assessment and Feedback https://canvas.bham.ac.uk/courses/42894/modules#module_289054 where you will find advice and strategies about how to design assessments including innovative types of assessment, ensuring resilience, inclusivity and authenticity.
Thinking more specifically about academic integrity and assessment the self-reflective tool is available on the Remote Teaching Resource to help you determine how vulnerable your assessments might be to poor academic integrity.
An Assessment and Feedback symposium titled ‘Testing times: new approaches to assessment and feedback’ will take place online from 12:30-4:00pm on Wednesday 21st October. There will be a session where the challenges faced by staff and students with respect to academic integrity and plagiarism in assessments will be considered. Given the new bimodal teaching delivery and need for remote assessment in many cases, ways in which staff might think differently about assessment and academic integrity will be discussed.
To view the programme, and to register, please visit https://canvas.bham.ac.uk/courses/35787/pages/21st-october-2020-testing-times-new-approaches-to-assessment-and-feedback?module_item_id=1730192
The International Journal for Educational Integrity provides a platform for educators from all over the world to discuss their research into academic and educational integrity. It gives a global perspective about academic integrity in a rapidly changing world (both technologically and educationally. It is open access and can be accessed here: https://edintegrity.biomedcentral.com/