In the second episode of the new ‘CoSS Give it a Rest’ podcast series CoSS Deputy Wellbeing Manager – Vickie Glynn is joined by Wellbeing Officers – Conor and Georgie to break down the process for students on applying for extenuating circumstances (including extensions).

They will be talking about how students can apply for ECs through the CoSS Online EC form and when best to inform the team of your circumstances. They talk about types of evidence they accept in support of requests and how students can obtain this.  

It can be daunting navigating the Extenuating Circumstances process, so they will be sharing examples of some of the most common circumstances that students share with them and discuss the importance of confidentiality. 

If you feel you have experienced extenuating circumstances which have impacted your studies please do contact your Wellbeing Officers as soon as possible to discuss your options of support.

Please refer to Guidance for Students on Extenuating Circumstances for more details on how to complete the process.

During your period of study any number of circumstances may affect your ability to perform well in assessments (this includes essays, class tests and final examinations).

"Extenuating circumstances" is the process of informing your School of circumstances that have affected you throughout the year. Depending upon the nature and severity of these circumstances your School may wish to take them into account when the Board of Examiners meet to decide what your progress decision should be.

To ensure that details of your extenuating circumstances are handled with the utmost sensitivity, privacy and confidentiality, discussions about the validity of requests for extenuating circumstances will take place at Extenuating Circumstances Panels, rather than the full Examination Board. The Examination Board will not discuss details of the extenuating circumstances you present.

The online EC form can be completed and submitted via your School’s canvas page.

Birmingham Business School - 

School of Social Policy & Social Work -