The HEFi Awards Dinner took place on 12th February, and brought together colleagues from across the University of Birmingham for an evening celebrating a range of outstanding teaching achievements over the last 12 months. These included successful completion of the PGCHE, achieving HEA Fellowships through the Beacon scheme, and peer nominations for teaching excellence, innovation, leadership, and student support. It was an enjoyable and inspirational evening, and a wonderful demonstration of commitment to teaching and supporting student learning.
For the first time the winners of the HEFi Teaching and Learning Awards were announced on the night and the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir David Eastwood, congratulated the runners-up and presented the awards to the winners in each category. Watch the Vice-Chancellor’s opening speech and find out who the winners were in this round-up.
Educational Leadership Award
Winner - David Leppinen, School of Mathematics
Runner up - Patricia Hibberd, Institute of Clinical Sciences
Outstanding Support for Student Education Award
Winner - Careers in Business Team, Birmingham Business School
Runners up - Advanced Clinical Practice Team, School of Nursing
Teaching Innovation Award
Winner - SWiFT Team, School of Engineering
Runner up - Sophie Cox, School of Chemical Engineering
Winner - Natasa Mavronicola, Ben Atkins & Ben Warwick, Birmingham Law School
Runners up - Student Experience Team, College of Arts & Law
Laura Jenkins, School of Government
Naomi Green, School of Engineering
HEFi Teacher of the Year Award
Winner - Ronnie Meechan-Rogers, Institute of Clinical Sciences