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Organising care in a time of COVID-19: Call for contributions

We are collating together the experiences of health care systems around the world into a collection which will make a unique comparative analysis of the policy and organisational responses to COVID-19.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

During these unprecedented times there is an urgent need for research that engages with existing research and theory on pandemic and crisis management, but also draws upon complementary and critical social science theories as applied to questions of health and care organisation, governance, leadership, management, professionalism, expertise and care.

In association with the  Society for the Study of Organizing in Health Care (SHOC), and as part of the Palgrave Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare Series, we are collating together the experiences of health care systems around the world into a collection which will make a unique comparative analysis of the policy and organisational responses to COVID-19. The collection will also provide a timely platform for critical and provocative enquiry, with the expectation to publish before the end of 2020.

We therefore invite proposals (abstracts of between 300 and 500 words) for contributions that offer theoretically-informed commentary and analysis of policy, organisational and management response to COVID-19 in different regional or national contexts.

Further detailed information can be found here

The deadline for submission of abstract proposals is 23rd May 2020. Please email abstracts to Professor Justin Waring