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Summer Festival of Music 2020

The annual 'Summer Festival of Music' is the highlight of the summer for musicians at Birmingham – and though we can't perform in person, we are delighted to announce a week of festival 'virtual' performances.

Summer Festival of Music

The annual University Music ‘Summer Festival of Music’ is the highlight of the summer for musicians at the University of Birmingham – and though we can’t perform and share music in person, the University is delighted to announce a week of festival ‘virtual’ performances.

Running from 12 – 19 June, the festival will include video performances from the Summer Festival Orchestra and Music Society Brass Band, a host of New Music will be presented by the Creative Exchange, as well as our immersive electroacoustic setup, miniBEAST. Look out for our Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Collective, and Samba Band across the week, and see as we delve into our archives and look back at previous student operas, concerts, as well as seeing what our Alumni musicians have been up to. 

Throughout the festival we will be working on new projects, bringing together student composers and musicians. Composers have been tasked to write ‘Miniatures in Isolation’ – a group of short pieces giving a voice to their experiences during lockdown. Student musicians will be working hard to learn and record the music over the coming weeks, and we can’t wait to share the result of this exciting creative project. 

Follow the Summer Festival of Music on Facebook for regular updates, the line-up, and video links. 

Also, join us and subscribe as we officially launch our new University Music YouTube channel alongside the virtual activities: