The five-year COMPAUL project at ITSEE has now come to an end.

Running at ITSEE from October 2011 to September 2016, the European Research Council-funded COMPAUL project has now finished. Its goal was to examine the earliest commentaries on Paul as sources for the biblical text, in which it has been remarkably successful. Numerous publications and presentations have been given, detailing the methodology and results of the project. Chief among them was a groundbreaking book on biblical commentaries which appeared earlier this year. The project also hosted two international conferences at Birmingham in 2015 and 2016. A webpage listing the achievements of the project, with links to open access publications, may now be found at

With the end of the COMPAUL project, ITSEE bids farewell to Dr Rosalind MacLachlan and Dr Susan Blackburn Griffith, who have both served as postdoctoral research fellows on the project. Before COMPAUL, Rosalind also worked on the Vetus Latina Iohannes and Digital Codex Sinaiticus projects.

The COMPAUL team

 Rosalind MacLachlan, Susan Griffith and other members of the COMPAUL project team