A new biography of James Rendel Harris by Dr Alessandro Falcetta, a graduate of the Department of Theology and Religion at Birmingham, is to be published next year. 

Entitled The Daily Discoveries of a Bible Scholar and Manuscript Hunter, the book is a biography of Rendel Harris (1852–1941), who was Director of Studies at Woodbrooke College (now Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre) in Selly Oak. Harris published widely in the area of New Testament textual criticism and was also involved in the development of the University of Birmingham's Mingana Collection.

Alessandro Falcetta wrote a doctorate at Birmingham on Rendel Harris’ theory of early Christian Testimony Books, supervised by Professor David Parker. Alessandro is the author of James Rendel Harris: New Testament Autographs and Other Essays and spoke at the fifth Birmingham Colloquium in 2007. In May this year, he lectured on Rendel Harris for the Saint Catherine’s Foundation in London.

The book, to be published by T&T Clark in March 2018 is available for purchase from the Bloomsbury website.

A biography of James Rendel Harris book cover