
A big hello and welcome from Aerosoc! We’re now a year old and so far we’ve come a long way with lots of new and exciting events happening!

Aerosoc started the new academic year by welcoming the new aerospace students with a load of fun games and great prizes. During the first week of term we held our first practical lab session where we built small foam gliders in teams and competed to see which was best. It was a great opportunity to get everyone in the lab working together and we saw some interesting designs.

We also welcomed Tara Mckibbin to the committee as the new Social Secretary. Tara’s organised many iconic nights out into town and a pub quiz to which many people came along to. This shows how close everyone in the society has become in such a short time! We then went on for our first society meal out where we celebrated the one-year anniversary of Aerosoc.

aerosoc workshop and social

We’ve now finished our RC aircraft from the first year and have announced our new project; a two-team competition to design and build the best surveillance drone! We’ve been meeting weekly to discuss and design our drones before we go on to build them in the second semester; the designs so far look very promising. Next semester we’ll be spending a lot more time in workshops prototyping and building our final drones. We aim to use these sessions as an effective way to get hands-on experience working on an engineering project and apply what we’ve learnt in lectures in a fun and exciting way. We be focusing on earning many new skills including 3D printing, wind tunnel testing and electronics. Both teams have a great mix of students and it’s good to see everyone working together on this complex challenge. The designs are already a massive improvement from what we achieved during our first year!

aerosoc making paper planes

Another exciting event we organised was a lecture from Paul Withey from Rolls-Royce. He talked us through how a gas turbine jet engine functions and future market trends, and he brought along many parts from real engines such as a compressor blade from Concorde.

We then finished the busy semester in true Christmas spirit by all heading to Centenary Square in the city centre for ice skating and the German Markets.

aerosoc ice skating

Overall the semester has been great fun and we look forward to the next! We currently have 54 members and can’t wait to see new people join in the future.

See you soon,
The new Aerosoc committee:

  • President: Josh Ruck
  • Vice-President and Treasurer: Jack Smith
  • Social Secretary: Tara McKibbin