The University of Birmingham recently won a bid to host the next LGBTSTEMinar Conference next year on Friday 10 January 2020.

The LGBTSTEMinar is a conference associated to the group LGBT STEM, a project that showcases LGBT people in the STEM fields. The project shows the diversity of people that can be found in roles all across STEM disciplines, and provides role models for LGBT people who are either at a junior stage in their careers or are only considering the possibility of going into a STEM field.

The STEMinar was launched in 2016 at Sheffield and hosted there again in 2017. York held the 2018 event, and the Institute of Physics hosted the 2019 conference in London on 11 January 2019.

The University of Birmingham will host the next conference in January 2020 which will be led by Dr Tyler Kelly, a lecturer within the School of Mathematics. Dr Kelly heads the organisational committee that consists of Sheena Griffiths the Staff Equality and Diversity Adviser and Tom Syder, Outreach and Equality & Diversity Officer for the College of Medical and Dental Sciences.

You can follow the event on Twitter by searching the hashtag #LGBTSTEMinar20 or discover more information by visiting the website.