Building Dogopolis
In this BRIHC seminar, Chris Pearson (History, Liverpool) gave a paper entitled ‘Building Dogopolis: Dogs and Humans in Modern London, New York and Paris’.
In this BRIHC seminar, Chris Pearson (History, Liverpool) gave a paper entitled ‘Building Dogopolis: Dogs and Humans in Modern London, New York and Paris’.
In the session, Chris spoke about his new book Dogopolis: How Dogs and Humans Made Modern New York, London and Paris (Chicago, 2021), which explores the integration of dogs into the urban landscapes of London, New York, and Paris between 1800 and 1939. The paper explored how canine straying, biting, suffering, thinking, and defecating were shaped to conform with middle class emotional standards. This event was organised by the Birmingham Research Institute for History and Cultures (BRIHC), in collaboration with the Centre for Modern British Studies (MBS).