New ambulance tech could help save lives in Africa

Technological innovation could help reduce the number of injured people in developing countries dying unnecessarily

ambulance crew with patient

Improving the efficiency of ambulances in Rwanda could help save lives

Experts are trialling a new electronic system that could speed hospital transfers and help reduce the likelihood of people in developing countries dying unnecessarily from injuries caused by accidents or violence.

Every year in Rwanda, injury causes 9% of deaths with 47% of these occurring before patients can reach hospital. Like many Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMIC), Rwanda experiences long delays in getting patients to hospital as all communication between patients, ambulances, and hospitals are done using multiple phone-calls.

In order to overcome these difficulties, a local software firm, Rwanda Build Program (RWBuild) has designed 912Rwanda, a novel electronic tool which regularly collects information from hospitals on availability of staff and equipment, and from the ambulance crew on patient status. The system then uses this information to match the patient with the nearest hospital that can accept them.

Injuries in LMICs are common and their number is expected to increase, but death and disability after injury can be substantially reduced if people reach healthcare facilities in a timely manner.”

Justine Davies, Professor of Global Health Research - University of Birmingham

NIHR RIGHT4:Rwanda912: Use of an innovative electronic communications platform to improve pre-hospital transport of injured people in Rwanda, is backed by more than £3 million funding from the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) programme.

University of Birmingham and University of Rwanda researchers will partner with colleagues at the Ministry of Health, RWBuild and the Universities of Global Health Equity, York, Aberdeen, and Utah to finalise development of the 912Rwanda system and explore its real-time capabilities. 

This cutting-edge study will test the effectiveness, cost, and delivery of 912Rwanda in two different settings: Kigali, which is predominantly urban, and Musanze District which is predominately rural. The trial aims to maximise opportunities for transferring the electronic tool to other LMICs with developed or developing ambulance systems.

Justine Davies, Professor of Global Health Research at the University of Birmingham, commented: “Injuries in LMICs are common and their number is expected to increase, but death and disability after injury can be substantially reduced if people reach healthcare facilities in a timely manner.”

Jean Claude Byiringiro, Dean of the Medical School at University of Rwanda said: “Understanding how we can reduce the time it takes to get injured patients to hospital is critical to saving lives. This project could play a key role in developing similar solutions in countries facing the same sort of problems.”

Rob Rickard of RWBuild commented: “We are excited to move this project forward. This emergency software decision solution will ensure pre-hospital patients reach the 'right' hospital and help reduce the ambulance total journey time. I look forward to working with our partners on this project. We can provide the best strategies and processes with these great partners as they prove its capability.”

After the researchers finalise development of 912Rwanda’s algorithms and user interfaces, they will develop training materials and conduct staff training, before conducting mock field-trials and rolling out the intervention. 

Notes for editors

For further information, please contact Tony Moran, International Communications Manager, University of Birmingham on +44 (0)782 783 2312. Out-of-hours, please call +44 (0) 7789 921 165.

Notes for editors

  • The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions. Its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers, teachers and more than 8,000 international students from over 150 countries.
  • For people in LMICs who survive injury, disability is unacceptably high, with between 40-50% of people disabled or unable to work after injury. Delays that occur from the point of injury to receipt of quality care cause nearly 50% of avoidable deaths and substantial disability after injury.
  • Given that young and economically productive people are most often injured, reducing death and disability after injury would reduce economic losses for individuals and the families that they support, as well as at country and global levels.
  • The World Health Organisation says that strong health systems providing quality care for injured people are urgently needed to prevent related death and disability, but evidence that could help reduce delays in access to this care is lacking.

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NIHR is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care. Its work in LMICs is principally funde