Prestigious postdoctoral position for Eugenia Lancellotta
Eugenia successfully completed her PhD at Birmingham in October 2021, and has just been appointed to a postdoctoral position in Italy.
Eugenia successfully completed her PhD at Birmingham in October 2021, and has just been appointed to a postdoctoral position in Italy.
In October 2021, Eugenia Lancellotta successfully completed a doctoral project on the adaptiveness of delusions at the University of Birmingham, supervised by Lisa Bortolotti (Philosophy), Matthew Broome and Anna Lavis (Institute for Mental Health).
Eugenia is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Euregio funded REBE project (Resilient Beliefs: Religion and Beyond) at Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, Italy. In collaboration with the University of Innsbruck and the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Brixen, the goal of the project is to investigate whether and in what circumstances belief resilience (understood as articulate resistance to belief change and revision) is a sign of irrationality or narrow-mindedness, and in what circumstances it is a healthy component of our epistemic, moral and spiritual lives.