TSRC publish paper and short film on the impact of Big Local

Over the past eight years, Angus McCabe and a team from the Third Sector Research Centre and Sheffield Hallam university have been following 15 Big Local areas

Noticeboard reading: team, community

Image by Polina Zimmerman

Big Local, a Local Trust initiative, has a simple brief: 150 communities have been given at least £1m with no strings attached, to use as they see fit.

Over the past eight years, Angus McCabe and a team from the Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) and Sheffield Hallam university have been following 15 Big Local areas to understand resident led change in communities.

In addition to reports, The Big Local has produced over 100 films capturing change and the learning from the programme which are available at their website. 

In the last three months, the project has been compiling reports and films related to the future of Big Local areas. This series has two reports and films. The first paper, Building systems of community connection and control and an accompanying film, Building Community Power, have just been published.


Angus and TSRC have also been leading on community responses to COVID-19 research for Local Trust. Over the last two years, they have used this learning to produce 16 briefing papers and two reports. The research team held nearly 800 learning conversations and a final report will be available very soon. In the meantime a short film is available: Reflections on Community responses to COVID-19