Why I chose part-time Distance Learning study at the University of Birmingham
English Literature part-time PhD DL student, Jeremy Voigt, talks about distance learning study at Birmingham.
English Literature part-time PhD DL student, Jeremy Voigt, talks about distance learning study at Birmingham.
Jeremy Voigt
Jeremy began studying a part-time PhD by Distance Learning in the Department of English at the University of Birmingham in September 2021.
1. How did you discover that you could study by Distance Learning?
I found out about Birmingham’s distance learning option though internet research.
2. Why did you choose to study by Distance Learning and why at Birmingham?
My life situation makes it so I must continue working, therefore, distance learning. I choose Birmingham because of its reputation and because the connection with my supervisor while working on a proposal made it clear to me that this was the place for me.
3. Do you have any advice for someone who may be thinking about applying for a Distance Learning course?
I think it is good to test if the distance mode is right for you. My master’s program used a distance model, so I’ve been through it before. Even taking one online class will help someone realise if they have the self-discipline to work in a distance model.
4. What advantages do you think studying a Distance Learning programme offers?
Well, in order to do my job and be part of my family, I have to work strange hours. The distance learning programme allows me to work when I can. That’s the main advantage for me.
5. What has been your highlight of study so far?
Honestly, my supervisor has been really wonderful to work with (Dr Andrew Hodgson) and supportive. That’s made me feel I can get started straight away.
6. What are your plans for after you’ve graduated?
Continue working and studying independently. Hopefully publish. I would like to apply to work at the local university as well.