Constitutional environmental duties of individuals
At the BLS blog, Dr Lovleen Bhullar discusses constitutional environmental duties of individuals in the context of India’s constitutional law and practice.
At the BLS blog, Dr Lovleen Bhullar discusses constitutional environmental duties of individuals in the context of India’s constitutional law and practice.
Most national constitutions include environmental provisions in the form of rights and duties. Environmental rights and the duties of the State are often in the spotlight, while another constitutional environmental provision setting out the duties of individuals (variously described) remains in the shadow. Why are environmental duties of individuals included in constitutions? What is their role? To answer these questions, I explore the origin and design of environmental duties of individuals in the Constitution of India, 1950, and related judicial practice in my paper ‘Environmental Constitutionalism and Duties of Individuals in India’ published in (2022) 34(3) Journal of Environmental Law 399-418. I highlight some of the key findings here...