Misogyny in the Met is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

Dr Sophie King-Hill explains why the Casey report's findings of misogyny in the Met is an issue for all of society, not just the police service.

Two police officers on horseback at night in London.

Image credit: Pixabay.

The Casey Report on the Met police has been published today and it contains a damning recount of the ingrained discrimination within the Met. One of the issues highlighted is ingrained misogyny.

The recent reviews of culture at the Met and London Fire Service have demonstrated that misogyny is an endemic societal problem that requires immediate attention. A distinct culture shift is needed, and a changing and reframing of the conversation around gender is a crucial step.

Excluding young males from conversations about harassment and misogyny further embeds toxic masculinity. From an early age, boys are bombarded by entrenched social expectations, which grow into misogynistic views and behaviour. This is damaging to everyone.

Whilst this matter needs to be tackled urgently within the Met, we can do more to combat this for young people via robust, context-sensitive relationships and sex education that allows for the exploration of these issues in a safe space.

A stark reality that needs to be acknowledged is that when misogyny is played out within an organisation and in wider society, nobody wins.

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