Professor Sudha Sundar attends Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Reception
Sudha Sundar, Professor of Gynaecological Cancer, was invited to a celebration at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in December.
Sudha Sundar, Professor of Gynaecological Cancer, was invited to a celebration at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in December.
Professor Sudha Sundar, attended the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to celebrate her inclusion in a book by Caroline Rowett, British Deputy High Commissioner, Chandigarh.
The book called ‘75 years, 75 women, 75 words’ features women who have strengthened India-UK relationships, particularly with ties to Punjab/ North West India through their work and achievements.
I am really thrilled to be part of the ' living bridge' between India and the UK! I believe we can improve outcomes for South Asian women with ovarian cancer in both countries by our research at Birmingham
Professor Sundar leads a programme of research in ovarian cancer aiming to improving outcomes through research in earlier diagnosis, better surgical techniques and benchmarking care.
She has led matched studies in India Punjab and West Midlands investigating the genetics of breast and ovarian cancer.