Two LMS Emmy Noether Fellowships in 2023/24

Congratulations to Ana Peon-Nieto and Xiaocheng Shang for getting LMS Emmy Noether Fellowships 2023/24.


LMS Emmy Noether Fellowships are designed to enhance the mathematical sciences research, broadly construed, of holders either re-establishing their research programme after returning from a major break associated with caring responsibilities or those requiring support to maintain their research programme while dealing with significant ongoing caring responsibilities.

Ana will use the Fellowship to continue collaborative research on the geometry of wobbly and very stable Higgs bundles (related to the computation of multiplicities of irreducible components of the nilpotent cone), Hitchin systems for real groups in terms of conic fibrations, and branes inspired by topological mirror symmetry.

The award will allow Xiaocheng to work on collaborative projects to develop novel methods, based on the linear response theory, for the accurate and efficient computation of transport coefficients in dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), and to establish a data-driven modelling framework to optimise the formulation of the DPD system.

Ana and Xiaocheng continue successful tradition started by Alexandra Tzella last year. Alexandra was awarded Emmy Noether Fellowship in 2022/23 to strengthen and diversify her research and collaborations by engaging in novel applications of multiscale methods on particle dispersion in heterogeneous environments. It has provided her with crucial support to focus on her research in spite of caring commitments. In particular it gave her the opportunity to spend time working with her collaborators at the Universities of Edinburgh and Madison which has been extremely beneficial to the development of the projects. She hopes to present work on this project at the Annual Division of Fluid Mechanics in Autumn 2023.