Annual BRIDGE Seed Fund 2025

The annual BRIDGE Seed Fund with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is now open for applications.

Vice-Chancellor Adam Tickell with UIUC Chancellor Dr Robert Jones with Professor Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela (UIUC) and Professor Robin Mason (UoB)B

The BRIDGE alliance celebrated 10 years in 2024

The deadline is 23:59 (CDT) on Monday, 3 March 2025 

The “Birmingham-Illinois Partnership for Discovery, Engagement and Education” (BRIDGE) agreement exists to support and grow collaboration between the University of Birmingham and UIUC.

Achievements from BRIDGE in 2024 include the nomination for the QS Reimagine Awards, Chancellor Jones of UIUC receiving an Honorary Degree from Birmingham and the launching of the Global South Fellowship which enables visiting fellows to gain insight into the organization, conduct of research and training, at each university.

Part of BRIDGE is the annual Seed Fund, established to stimulate wider academic engagement between our two universities.

The BRIDGE Seed Fund is open to all good ideas, but we are particularly interested in the following:

Implementation Grants to support and strengthen existing faculty-faculty relationships leading to clearly defined outputs.

We are particularly interested in applications that:

  • Progress joint research priorities;
  • Connect world-leading researchers;
  • Raise our institutional research profiles through collaborative publications;
  • Build relationships with leading academic, scientific, cultural and policy communities in the two regions;
  • Look to develop jointly-submitted proposals to external funding agencies.

Initiation Grants to encourage wider faculty involvement and expand institutional engagement.

We are particularly interested in:

  • Applicants who can clearly demonstrate that they have established a potential area of collaboration with UIUC colleagues;
  • Activities with the potential to extend beyond individual links to wider— that is to say ‘research group to research group’—collaborations;
  • Projects with the potential for sustained and enlarged collaborative activity.

Teaching and Learning Grants.

We also invite funding applications from colleagues interested in developing educational relationships with counterparts at UIUC in order to support student learning. We are particularly interested in:

  • Applicants who can clearly demonstrate that they have established a potential area of collaboration with UIUC colleagues;
  • Projects which will provide distinctive educational opportunities for our students;
  • Projects with the potential for sustained and enlarged collaborative activity.

Proposals that have identified funding for sustaining the collaboration beyond BRIDGE Funding, such as UKRI, NSF, NIH, or other external funding bodies are particularly encouraged.

The Seed Fund is open to all. There are no restrictions on the forms of activity undertaken with BRIDGE funding. It is available to support planning visits, workshops, exchanges etc. It can support meetings in third party locations where there is potential to develop and/or showcase collaboration; and it can also cover elements such as consumables, if the case for this is clearly made.

Application Process

Please work with your UIUC co-PI to submit the application into the UIUC Special Programs Portal and provide the following information in the application form.

Application Deadline

The BRIDGE Seed Fund will close at 5pm (UK time) on March 1, 2025.

Take a look at further information regarding the BRIDGE Seed Fund, including guidelines and application form. If you have any queries, please contact Lindsay Avery.