Birmingham academic awarded prestigious Hunterian Lectureship by Royal College of Surgeons

James Glasbey was recognised by the Royal College of Surgeons of England for his work in post-discharge follow-up pathways in global surgery using telemedicine.

The University of Birmingham's Murray Learning Centre

James Glasbey, NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Global Surgery at the University of Birmingham, has been awarded the prestigious Hunterian Lectureship by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. This award was presented as a result of his work exploring the use of remote assessment, or telemedicine, to support post-discharge healing of surgical site infections (SSIs).

James's research found that current methods for remote detection of SSIs are inadequate, missing 1 in 3 patients with infection; however, a new approach used through his research which incorporated remote assessment alongside a questionnaire led to accurate diagnosis without in-person assessment, and benefits for patients, health systems and researchers.

As part of the Award, James was also invited to present a Hunterian Lecture on his research into SSIs and the advantages to developing and incorporating tools for remote assessment such as telephone calls and live video evaluation to help reduce SSIs. 

I was delighted that work with leaders in seven low- and middle-income countries completed as part of my PhD was awarded the Hunterian Professorship from the Royal College of Surgeons in 2024. The NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery (GSU) is a such an inspiring place to work, built on a shared vision of equitable partnerships for patient benefits across a global network.

James Glasbey, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow, Global Surgery Unit (GSU)

James said: "I am excited to now begin supervising PhDs myself, continuing this culture into the future. Thanks to all the patients that were involved in these studies, and the friends and colleagues that worked together to deliver this research."

James is a Specialist Registrar in General Surgery, an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Global Surgery and Clinical Trials at the University of Birmingham, and RCS England Hunterian Professor for 2024. He is a collaborative researcher with an interest in global surgery, clinical trials, and surgical innovation.