Institute for Data and AI (IDAI) Funds Eight Interdisciplinary Projects

Seed funding awarded to eight interdisciplinary research projects grounded in data and leveraging AI technology.

Photo of researcher presenting their work on slides, with listeners gathered around.

Researchers presenting their work to an audience.

The Institute for Data and AI (IDAI) is pleased to announce the funding of eight projects as part of our second round of Pump-prime funding. Our priming funding is designed to give projects the kick-starter funds they need to develop ideas into interdisciplinary and high-impact projects. This year we received a large number of high-quality applications from across all Colleges and disciplines, reflecting the strength of interdisciplinary research in Data and AI at the University of Birmingham.

We are currently finalising plans to support the Project Leads in executing these projects. With a total of £120,000 available and up to £20,000 per project, this funding aims to pave the way for future external funding and long-term research collaborations.

The Institute for Data and AI (IDAI) at University of Birmingham has been established to harness the strengths of our academic community in its mission to address some of the grand challenges faced by our society, by promoting research excellence in Data Science methods and AI models and technology, ensuring their evolution and their principled and competent adoption to enable the delivery of transformative, interdisciplinary, impactful data-intensive research.

Find out more about IDAI.