Birmingham Digital Futures

Unlocking Birmingham's digital talent

Birmingham Digital Futures (BDF) Innovation District, led by the University of Birmingham, PwC and Tech She Can, seeks to bridge the digital skills gap and drive innovation in the West Midlands.

A partnership to empower the digital generation

We aim to catalyse collaboration between academia, industry, and government in order to create a world-class digital skills ecosystem, empowering individuals, businesses, and the local community to thrive in the digital economy.

Alongside fellow founders PwC and Tech She Can, and our delivery partners Digital Innovators, Entrust and Ahead Partnership, we are shaping the future of work to ensure regional competitiveness.

  • School children raising their hands in a digital skills workshop

    Our Education Partner Programme

    We offer an exciting opportunity to develop digital skills directly within schools, colleges and communities across the West Midlands via a unique and comprehensive set of education packages. By sponsoring these dedicated digital skills interventions, delivered by our experienced partners, you can change the lives of students in our region at any stage of their education journey.

    Contact us to get involved

BDF: Education, innovation, collaboration

We are committed to bridging the digital skills divide, as well as widening access and participation to a broad range of education opportunities to diversify workforces.

  • Jack Tasker of the BDF team delivering a talk to partners

    At the forefront of the digital skills ecosystem

    By convening leaders from education, industry and policy and aligning with established regional innovation assets like Tyseley Energy Park, Birmingham Health Innovation Campus and the Manufacturing Technology Centre, we can realise cost efficiencies by fostering digital skills for the green economy, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing.

Meet our delivery partners


PwC is a multinational professional services brand of firms and the second-largest professional services network in the world. A vital founder in the BDF initiative, PwC is committed to to upskilling and reskilling the workforce in the West Midlands to prepare them for the digital world.

Tech She Can

Tech She Can is on a mission to change the ratio of women in technology, to create a world that works for everyone. The charity inspires girls and boys about careers in technology through free, inclusive resources and experiences. It also creates pathways into employment for women and inspires change, working closely with education, industry and government. Tech She Can are founding members of BDF and have supported its growth through access to their inspirational resources. 

Ahead Partnership

Ahead Partnership designs and delivers bespoke and collaborative programmes that connect young people to aspirational role models and opportunities in key growth sectors, including digital and technology. By working collaboratively with employers and schools, their work seeks to equip young people with key skills for the future world of work and address sector challenges. 

Digital Innovators

Digital Innovators create pathways to sustainable employment through the provision of the competencies and digital skills employers value and need to succeed in their marketplace. Digital Innovators offer distinctive programmes focussed on boosting employability and nurturing talent. That improves and diversifies the talent pool of partnering organisations and ensures young people can stand out from the crowd in an oversaturated job market. 


Entrust provide schools with specialist experience, new insight and additional capabilities to help them build on their strengths and address any service shortfalls with real confidence. Everything they do is tailored to meet the precise needs and priorities of individual schools, academy trusts and local authorities.