Eighteenth-Century Materials in the Cadbury Research Library

Birmingham Eighteenth Century Centre

The University of Birmingham's Cadbury Research Library holds resources that will be of interest to many eighteenth-century scholars. These resources can be explored by visiting:

This page lists some of the most important resources for eighteenth-century scholars.

Rare Book Collection

The University Library has a substantial number of early printed books published before 1850, including some fine incunabula (books published before 1500), with many of the books in contemporary bindings. Our collections are notably strong in books printed during the Eighteenth Century. In addition to the University’s own books, Special Collections holds several named collections, acquired through bequest, donation or on deposit. We have particularly good collections of literary, theological, historical, scientific and medical texts, a fine set of children’s books and very good collections of Enlightenment philosophy, history and travel. Amongst our books are many excellent examples illustrative of the history of the book, including fine printing and typography, magnificent illustrations and exquisite bindings. Many subject areas continue to be actively supplemented with new acquisitions from antiquarian booksellers and auctions to support current research and teaching interests. All our holdings are recorded on the University Library catalogues.


Parish library collections


Originally the property of the Rev John Shaw, this library was bequeathed by him to the parish of Bengeworth, Evesham, in 1854. It consists largely of theological and classical works from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries.

St Mary's Church in Warwick

The parochial library of St Mary's Church, Warwick, was established in 1701; it numbers about 1,400 volumes, mainly on theological subjects, including nearly 100 volumes published in the 16th century and over 600 in the 17th century.

Thomas Wigan

This library of more than 3,000 printed items was the property of the Rev Thomas Wigan (1743-1818), minister of Wribbenhall, who bequeathed it to the nearby town of Bewdley, where it served as a public library. It is a good example of an 18th Century gentleman's library, containing volumes of theology (with a substantial run of rare 17th and 18th Century pamphlets), history, law, science and literature, including first editions of Paradise Lost and Gulliver’s Travels; the collection is now held on trust.

Fine Print


This collection of the books from the press of the 18th century Birmingham letter-founder and printer, John Baskerville (1706-1775), creator of one of the world’s most famous typefaces, was presented in memory of Victor Hely-Hutchinson (Professor of Music at the University of Birmingham 1934-1944), by his brother. Baskerville was an entrepreneur from Wolverley, near Kidderminster in Worcestershire, who made his fortune in japanning in Birmingham but whose passion was for the production of finely printed books. In addition to pioneering the use of smooth wove paper, Baskerville used his technical skills and knowledge to introduce innovations in press construction and he invented a superior black ink. His books are especially noted for his own elegant type-face and spacious margins and many of our copies are in magnificent contemporary bindings. In 1757 he published his first book, an edition of the poems of Virgil, printing it on the hand press at his house at Easy Hill, Birmingham. His last great work was Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso (1773), which was illustrated with engravings by leading artists of the day. The most recent addition to our collection is Baskerville’s wife Sarah’s copy of the Cambridge Bible (1763), widely acknowledged as his masterpiece; this copy was donated by Benjamin Tillett Davis, a forensic pathologist at Birmingham University and medical historian.


Giambattista Bodoni of Parma (1740-1813), an Italian engraver, publisher, printer and typographer is now remembered for the famous typeface named after him. In 1768 he was appointed printer to the court of Parma, where, greatly influenced by the work of John Baskerville, he developed an international reputation for technical refinement, combining classical typographical elegance with purity of materials. Our Bodoni collection comprises about 170 books and includes splendid editions of the classics, such as his folio of Horace’s Opera (1791), and Italian authors, such as the two volume edition of Tasso’s La Gerusalemme Liberata (1795), as well as copies of Gray's Poems (1793) and The Castle of Otranto by Walpole (1791), which is in a superb binding by Edwards of Halifax.

Foulis Press

This collection of about 200 titles represents about one third of the total output of this celebrated 18th Century Glasgow press, which was founded by the brothers Robert (1707-76) and Andrew (1712-75) Foulis. In 1741 Robert opened a bookshop at Glasgow University and from 1742 began to publish books at his own press, being appointed as University printer in 1743. With his brother in partnership, the firm acquired an international reputation for their high quality editions of the classics, such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (1756-58). They also published ordinary editions of both classical and modern authors, bringing the works and values of the Enlightenment within reach of the ordinary citizen. Many titles were scholarly, and although some were produced as collectors’ items (such as miniatures), they were all carefully edited, neatly formatted on good paper and excellent value. In particular, Foulis set a new standard of title-page layout, replacing a contemporary vogue for unhelpful clutter with classical simplicity and elegance.

Named Collections

Little Malvern Court

This collection of early Roman Catholic books on devotional and recusant matters has been deposited by the Berington family of Little Malvern Court. Due to the strict enforcement of the penal laws, Catholics in England were prevented from contributing to the general store of printed sermons. The controversial and devotional writings which do exist show that there were men who might have made good use of happier times. Edmund Campion’s letters are attractive, Parsons’s Christian Directory received the compliment of many protestant editions, and the rich fancy of Robert Southwell’s tracts won the praise of Francis Bacon.

James Rendel Harris

James Rendel Harris (1852-1941) was a biblical scholar, orientalist and folklorist, who wrote extensively on the New Testament. His work took him to most of the countries in the Middle East, where he collected manuscripts, papyri and books. As a member of the Society of Friends he was very active in British religious life, and was instrumental in founding Woodbrooke in Birmingham, a settlement for religious and social work, becoming its first Director. He donated his 7,000 books to the Selly Oak Colleges with the aim of establishing a library for the Colleges. These books together with the Mingana Collection formed the core of the original Library, which was originally called the Rendel Harris Library, with particular strengths in Near Eastern Christianity and Biblical Studies. Some the Library is now in the Orchard Learning Resources Centre, whilst the early printed collection is now housed in Special Collections. Amongst its many fine treasures are first editions of Erasmus’s version of the New Testament (1516) and the King James Bible (1611).

Joseph Priestley

University of Birmingham Special Collections also hold a large amount of Joseph Priestley publications including first editions of all his major works, and many of the tracts and pamphlets he published in his lifetime. Special Collections also hold the 'Priestley Bible', the bible which he used as Unitarian Minister at the New Meeting House, Birmingham, which was raised to the ground during the riots of 1791. William Withering was a fellow member of the Lunar Society and a collection of his letters is also available for consultation at Special Collections.

Eighteenth Century Archive and Manuscript Resources

Anna Seward Letters
Extent 22 items
Date 1764-1804
A small collection of letters from Anna Seward to Colonel Thomas Dowdeswell and Mrs Dowdeswell of Shrewsbury and Tewkesbury 1791-1804, together with miscellaneous letters including two from her parents 1764, and others from her including a contemporary transcript of a letter to Helen Williams, the author, in Paris 1793. The contents of the letters reveal Seward's thoughts and comments on society in Lichfield, the British Government and its management of the Napoleonic wars, and information about her personal life and her writings.

Anne, or Anna Seward (1742-1809), the 'Swan of Lichfield', poet and letter writer, was born in Eyam, Derbyshire. She was the only surviving child of Rev Thomas S. Seward (also a poet and Canon of Lichfield from 1754) and his wife, Elizabeth (née Hunter). In 1780, she drew public notice with elegiac poems on David Garrick and Captain Cook and these were followed by a poem in 1781 about Major Andre (a former suitor of Honora Sneyd who subsequently married Maria Edgeworth's father) and another one in 1782 about Anne Miller. Other publications included her verse novel 'Louisa' (1784), a poem on her friends the Ladies of Llangollen in 1796, her sonnets in 1799, and Memoirs of Erasmus Darwin in 1804. The 'Gentleman's Magazine' also published her versions of Horace's odes and controversial letters - published under the pseudonym 'Benvolio', 1786-87 and then under her own name. She had extensive literary friendships who included Erasmus Darwin and Thomas Day. She left her literary manuscripts to Sir Walter Scott who edited her collected works which were published in three volumes with a memoir in 1810.

The Cadell and Davies Papers
Extent 50 items
Date 1776-1887

Correspondence with the firm of Cadell and Davies and others on publishing matters as well as correspondence of a social nature.

Cadell and Davies: Booksellers and publishers. Thomas Cadell, 1742-1802. In 1758 he was sent to London and apprenticed to Andrew Millar. He rose rapidly in his profession, and was a generous patron of authors. William Davies, Cadell's partner was a Montgomeryshire man. Cadell and Davies appear in Welsh imprints although they did not specialise in Welsh books.

Jerningham Letters

1764 letters and 10 volumes of journals
Date 1776-1833
Letters and journals 1780-1833, originally collected by Charlotte, Lady Bedingfeld (née Jerningham).
The collection comprises extensive family correspondence spanning the years 1779 to 1824. A large proportion of the letters are addressed to Charlotte from her mother, Lady Jerningham. Some letters are from Charlotte's brothers and sisters-in-law, and in particular Lady Frances Jerningham, wife of her brother, Sir George Jerningham. Other letters are from her own children, away at school and then subsequently as adults. For example, Felix wrote about school and Matilda and Agnes with news of their adult life and of their own children, Charlotte's grandchildren. The collection also includes letters from other members of the families of Jerningham and Bedingfeld. The correspondence begins during Charlotte's childhood and continues throughout her schooldays and marriage to Sir Richard Bedingfeld of Oxburgh Hall, near King's Lynn, in 1795 until just before her mother's death in 1824. There are also a few letters from well-known friends of the family, notably Fanny D'Arblay and the Ladies of Llangollen who included Lady Eleanor Butler.

The collection includes Charlotte's journals and diaries, which she appears to have kept spasmodically between 1809 and 1833. These cover the final illness and death of her father, Sir William Jerningham, various tours, a period of time she spent at Hammersmith convent, and when she was a member of the household of Queen Adelaide, serving as a Woman of Bedchamber, 1830-1837.

Both families were Roman Catholic, and the collection is a rich source for the study of Catholic spirituality, religious behaviour and rituals; the education and marriage of English Catholics in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; the conduct of monastic schools, both in England and on the continent; and hostility towards and persecution of Catholics. However, the collection is not restricted to Catholic historians: it forms, for example, a valuable record for Norfolk history, for women's history and for the history of medicine. The disease, erisypelas, which killed Charlotte's brother, Edward and his wife, Emily, is described in some detail; and the prolonged death of Sir William Jerningham in 1809 is also chronicled.
The collection also provides material relating to other leading English Catholic families in other parts of the country through the marriages of the children of the children of Sir Richard and Lady Charlotte Bedingfeld. These include the Sulyards of Suffolk, the Petres of Essex, the Carys of Devon and the Molyneux-Seels of Huyton, Lancashire. In addition, the Bedingfelds were forced to leave Oxburgh because of financial difficulties and they took up residence in Ghent for some years. As a result, the collection also contains much detail on the social life of the English Catholic community there in the early 1800s.

Charlotte Georgiana Jerningham (1770 -1854) was the only daughter of Sir William and Lady Frances Jerningham of Costessey Hall, Norfolk (referred to in correspondence as Cossey). She had three brothers: Sir George Jerningham, 8th Baron (1771-1851),

William Charles (1772-1820), an officer of rank in the Austrian service, Edward (1774-1822), barrister-at-law.
Charlotte married Sir Richard Bedingfeld (1767-1829) of Oxburgh Hall, near King's Lynn, in 1795 and they had eight children:
1. Frances, known as Fanny (1796-1822) who married Lord Petre in June 1815 and died shortly after giving birth.
2. Matilda (1797-1881) who married Stanley Cary of Follaton in December 1820 and the birth of two children, Camilla (b 1821) and Charlotte Matilda (b 1823) are recorded in the correspondence
3. Agnes (1798-1870) who married Thomas Molyneux Seel in October 1823 and the birth of their son, Edmund (b 1824) is recorded in the correspondence.
4. Henry (1800-1879) who became the 6th Baronet.
5. Charlotte (1802-1879) who became a nun in Bruges and was called Sister Mary Agnes
6. Charles (1803-1870), a captain in the Hussars, Austrian Service.
7. Edward (1805 -1823), a midshipman who drowned in 1823.
8. Felix (1808-1884), Colonial Secretary for Mauritius.
Charlotte wrote and received many letters during her life and, in addition to her children, her principal correspondents are listed below:
Her mother, Lady Frances Jerningham (née Dillon) (1748-1825). She appears to have spent considerable time in London where the family had a residence at 13 Boulton Row, Piccadilly. Lady Jerningham sometimes refers to members of the Dillon family in her correspondence with Charlotte.
Her father, Sir William Jerningham (1736-1809).
Her uncle, Edward Jerningham (1737-1812), brother of Sir William who abandoned Catholicism for the Church of England. He is often referred to by the family as Edward the Poet and also Edward the elder.
Her uncle, Charles Jerningham (d 1814), another brother of Sir William. He is usually referred to as The Chevalier Charles Jerningham.
Her eldest brother, Sir George Jerningham (1771-1851) and his wife Frances (née Sulyard) and there are also a number of letters between Charlotte and her sister-in-law Lady Frances Jerningham, not to be confused with Charlotte's mother. Their children included Charlotte (1800-1876), Henry Valentine (1802 -1884 who became 9th Baron Stafford), twin girls, Frances (1803-1838) and Georgina (1803-1841), Edward (1804-1849), George (1806-1874) ,Charles (1807-1884), Mary (1809-1815), Laura (1811-1886), William (1812- 1874), Francis (1814-1874) and Isabella (1815-1847). They moved to Costessey Hall on the death of Sir William Jerningham in 1809. Sir George Jerningham assumed, by Royal Licence, the name and arms of Stafford in 1826 and was known from that point on as Sir George Stafford Jerningham.
Her second brother, William Jerningham (1772-1820). He joined the Austrian service. He was married twice: to Anna Wright (d 1814) and Anne Moore. His children included Edmund (1805-1860), Arthur (1807-1889), William (1809-1809), Frederic (1813 -1870), Lucretia (1804-1891), Louisa (1808-1893) and Gertrude (1811-1897).
Her youngest brother, Edward Jerningham (1774-1822). He is often referred to as Edward the younger and Edward the dear by his mother, Lady Jerningham. He was a barrister and married Emily Middleton in 1804. Their children included Charles Edward (1805-1854), Valentine (1807-1807), Henrietta (1808-1808), Mary Clementina (1810-1864), John (1813 -1838), and James (1817-1848). Both Edward and Emily died from erysipelas in 1822 within a month of each other.
Reference: Finding aid to The Jerningham Letters; Aristocratic Women: the social, political and cultural history of rich and powerful women. A Listing and Guide to Part 2 of the Microfilm Collection (Adam Matthew Publications, 1998)

JP [see also MS 352 below]
Joseph Priestley Letters

Extent 17 items
Date 1771-1804
Letters written by Joseph Priestley to various correspondents. The letters relate to Priestley's his scientific experiments and to theological matters.
Joseph Priestley, 1733-1804, theologian and natural philosopher, was born on 13 March 1733 at Birstall Fieldhead, West Riding of Yorkshire. Priestley was a major figure of the British Enlightenment and a notable polymath, and his publications number, in first editions, more than 150 books, pamphlets, and papers in journals. An early nineteenth-century edition of his collected works, minus the science, filled twenty-six octavo volumes and the science would have added at least five more. Remembered today primarily for his isolation and identification of seven gases, including oxygen, in his own day he was known also as a vigorous advocate of unitarianism and of liberal reform of government, education, and theology.
As a dissenter he was not allowed to enter an English University but he pursued his studies and became a Unitarian minister and teacher. He published many works of political philosophy and theology but his dissenting views were not always popular, especially at a time of revolution in Europe. His Birmingham home was destroyed along with most of his papers and belongings during the riots of 1791 because of his perceived support for the French Revolutionaries. The immediate excuse for the riots was a dinner in celebration of Bastille day, held by the Constitutional Society of Birmingham, a dinner which Priestley did not attend though he had assisted in the organization of the society. The riots raged from the evening of the 14th of July to that of the 16th, and were put down only at the arrival of dragoons sent from Nottingham. Damage was extensive: Old and New Meeting houses and seven residences were destroyed, other houses were wrecked. Priestley's house, his library, laboratory, and papers were ruined and his life was saved only because he had fled. English authorities generally approved of the riots, but they were denounced by many persons and organizations in England, Europe, and the United States and remain a blot on the history of British toleration.He had been a leading figure in the Lunar Society in Birmingham where his interest in scientific research in association with other like-minded scientists flourished. His work on the discovery of oxygen with Lavoisier led him to be called the 'father of modern chemistry' and his original work on the nature of electricity led to him being elected to the Royal Society in 1766. His experiences at the hands of the mob however forced him to flee to London but the public criticism of his views continued. He was forced to resign from the Royal Society and denounced by the clergy and when his sons decided to emigrate to America he joined them shortly afterwards in 1794.
Priestley died on 6 February 1804 in his Pennsylvania home. He was buried beside his wife and son, Henry, in the Friends' burial-ground in Northumberland. His daughter, Sarah Priestley Finch, predeceased him (1803). His eldest son, Joseph Priestley, returned to England in 1812 and died there (1863). The younger Joseph's first son remained in the United States and continued the Priestley line there, but his eldest daughter married a Birmingham politician, Joseph Parkes. Their daughter Bessie married Louis Belloc, and their children included Hilaire Belloc and Marie Belloc Lowndes. Of Priestley's other children, William Priestley was a disappointment to his father. Though he had married a Miss Peggy Foulke in February 1796, he was unable to settle down. In 1800 he created a scandal by putting tartar emetic in the family flour before departing to become a sugar planter in Louisiana. His daughter Catherine married another sugar planter named Richardson and their son, Henry Hobson Richardson, became a towering figure in the history of American architecture.

Letters Additional Collection
Extent approximately 6385 items
Date c 1570-1992
Artificial collection of more than 6000 letters predominantly 19th-20th centuries, of political, literary, scientific, musical, religious, educational and other figures, together with letters from individuals associated with the University. In addition to letters, the collection includes deeds, photographs and engravings, bills, greetings cards and other record types.
The collection includes, for example, correspondence of a number of bishops of Lichfield, Worcester and Hereford and letters of a number of headmasters of public schools such as Charterhouse, Eton and Harrow. It also contains letters of more local significance and interest, and includes family and business correspondence.
The following list of individuals represented in this artificial sequence (both authors and recipients of letters) is by no means comprehensive. It is intended to give a flavour of the collection and to give an indication of larger groups of material, particularly where the letters form an archival entity.
Attwood, Thomas (1783-1856), political reformer;
Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851), dramatist and poet;
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell (1744-1817), author;
Faraday, Michael (1791-1867), natural philosopher;
Fox, William Johnson (1786-1864), preacher, politician and journalist;
Huskisson, William (1770-1830), statesman: 16 items relating to the transport of troops to the Cape, East Indies, India, 1796-1801;
Hutton, Catherine (1756-1846), author;
James, J Angell (1785-1859), independent minister;
Moilliet family of Birmingham;
Parr, Samuel (1747-1825), pedagogue;
Rickman, Thomas (1776-1841), architect;
Shrewsbury, Earls of;
Spencer, Earls of;

MS 15
Diary and scrapbook of Catherine Hutton
Extent 2 vols, 3 items
Date 1779-[20th century]
Diary, compilation of published extracts of letters and other papers of and relating to Catherine Hutton (1756-1846) of Birmingham, novelist and historian.
Catherine Hutton (1756-1846) was the only daughter of William Hutton (1723-1815, historian of Birmingham) and his wife, Sarah Cock of Aston-on-Trent, Derbyshire. She never married and despite delicate health, lived until the age of 91. After her father's death, she continued to live in the family home, Bennett's Hill, Washwood Heath.
During her lifetime, she wrote extensively. She published three novels: The Miser Married (1813), The Welsh Mountaineer (1817) and Oakwood Hall (1819). Other publications included memoirs of her father which appeared shortly after his death in 1815 under the title The Life of William Hutton: including a particular Account of the Riots at Birmingham in 1791. To which is subjoined the History of his family, written by himself and published by his daughter, Catherine Hutton; and The history of Birmingham...continued to the present time by Catherine Hutton. She also contributed many papers and articles to various journals.
She maintained regular and frequent correspondence throughout her life with family, friends and others, including famous contemporaries and she also collected autograph letters. She also travelled widely. A selection of her correspondence and other personal writings was published by her cousin, Catherine Hutton Beale, in 1891, in 'Reminiscences of a Gentlewoman of the Last Century' and this publication includes extracts from the diary and letters in this collection, MS15.

MS 52
Diaries of Ann Prest

Extent 4 volumes
Date 1769-1776
Personal diaries of Ann Prest (b c 1748) of Bedale, North Yorkshire for 1769, 1771-1772, and 1776.
These diaries have been kept using the 'Ladies Own Memorandum Book', or 'Pocket Journal'. These have their original covers and contain printed pages at the front and back including calendars, songs, tables of roads between London and Edinburgh and information about fashion and country dances.
The four volumes contain short entries giving brief information about her day-to-day activities. She made two extended visits to London in 1769 and 1771, and the entries for these periods mention trips to the theatre and the titles of the plays she saw, as well as visits to London sights, and walks in parks and gardens. She also records seeing George III and Queen Charlotte on several occasions. She uses the accounts pages of the 1769 and 1776 diaries to record her expenses, including clothes she bought in London, and in 1776 for her wedding.
The majority of the diary entries describe visits to and from family and friends, and tea drinking as a social activity features prominently. She occasionally mentions the weather, and the state of health of herself and her family. She records a trip to York in the summer of 1776, where her future husband lived, before her marriage to Leonard Terry in October that year. After the wedding, she went back to York, where she and her husband are living when the diary ends.
Ann Prest's name does not appear in these diaries. However, it is apparent from internal evidence that these diaries are hers. The Bedale parish registers record the baptism of an Ann Prest, daughter of William Prest of Bedale, currier, in Mar 1748 her marriage to Leonard Terrey of York on 31 Oct 1776. Her diary for 1776 also records her marriage on this date.

MS 56
Derbyshire Deeds

Extent 3 manuscript boxes
Date 1639-1863
A small collection of title deeds relating principally to lands and property at Plaistow, Wheatcroft and elsewhere in the parish of Crich, Derbyshire. The deeds also relate to the title to property in neighbouring parishes of North Wingfield, South Wingfield and Shirland, also in Derbyshire.
These deeds illustrate the sales, divisions and amalgamations of lands and holdings of smaller landowners in the parish of Crich and, to a limited extent, in neighbouring parishes, in east Derbyshire from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. They also provide evidence of the inclosure of various commons in the Manors of Crich and Lea.
The names of the local families represented in this collection include the Allsbrook family (and variants of this name), principally in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; the Wright family; the Reynolds family; the Clayton family; and the Redfern family, principally in the nineteenth century. A number of the land holdings represented in this collection were acquired from the early nineteenth century by the Redferns, a local farming family, and principally by Jacob Redfern of Crich (d 1835), his nephews, William Redfern of Middleton in the parish of Youlgreave and John Redfern of Wheatcroft, and William's son, James Redfern of Middleton, farmer

MS 58
Records of John Wheadon and Co
Extent 2 vols.
Date 1787-1807
Ledger, and other business records of John Wheadon and Co, of Chard, Somerset, dyers. John Wheadon and Co, dyers of Chard, Somerset, were in operation from the end of the 18th century through into the early years of the 19th century. Their customers and suppliers came from London and throughout the South West. It is not known when the company was wound up.

MS 65
Papers of Robert Bradshaw
Extent 2 files
Date 1782-1833
Correspondence and other papers of Robert Haldane Bradshaw MP of Worsley, Manchester relating to his career as an MP, landowner and agent for the 2nd Marquis of Stafford. The collection includes letters to Bradshaw from the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, 1804-1822. The letters from the Marquis, George Granville Leveson-Gower relate largely to business matters including his extensive estates, while the letters from Elizabeth, Marchioness of Stafford are of a more personal and descriptive nature. Both refer, in their letters to Bradshaw, to the management of their Scottish estate lands and the policy of relocating tenants to make way for the lucrative development of land, a controversial policy which became known as the Highland Clearances. Other papers relate to Bradshaw's support of local trade and manufacturing industries in Manchester, Liverpool , the Staffordshire Potteries and elsewhere and there are also two items in the collection relating to his period as Deputy Paymaster of the Forces in the West Indies, 1782-1783. The collection includes material of interest for the study of industrial and manufacturing history and significant research value for the study of Scottish history and in particular the part played by the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford in the controversial issue of the Highland Clearances. The papers,overall, also provide examples of the common use of the patronage system in public and political affairs at the time.There are also interesting contemporary references to national events such as the trial of Queen Caroline.
Robert Haldane Bradshaw MP (1759-1835) was the son of Thomas Bradshaw one time Secretary to the Treasury. Little is known of Bradshaw's early life but by 1782 he was Deputy Paymaster of the Forces in the West Indies and Auditor General of plantations and it was in Barbados that he married Cornelia Thornhill Rowe in 1783. By 1802 Bradshaw had secured the patronage of the Duke of Bridgewater and was appointed MP to the pocket borough of Brackley, a seat he retained until it was disenfranchised in 1832. After the Duke's death in 1803 Bradshaw was the first superintendent of the Bridgewater Trustees established to administer the the Duke's estate which included the coal mines and the Bridgewater Canal near Manchester with the income from the Trust going to the Duke's nephew, George Leveson Gower, Marquis of Stafford (1758-1833). Bradshaw acted as agent for the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford and appears to have maintained a close working relationship with the family being consulted and informed about all their estates business. Naturally, intensely conservative and resistant to change Bradshaw was fiercely opposed to the development of railways which he saw as competition to his canal system but when the Marquis was persuaded of the merit of the railway system and bought shares in the project Bradshaw was forced to accept the inevitable. Despite his attempts to cut canal tolls to compete with the opening of the Manchester to Liverpool railway line in 1830 the profitability of the canal system started to decline. In 1831 Bradshaw suffered a stroke which left him unable to continue managing the Bridgewater Trust affairs. He was persuaded to retire in 1834 and appoint James Sothern as his successor. He retired to his Hertfordshire residence and died there in January 1835.

MS 82
Wilkes Family Papers

Extent 4 boxes
Date 1566-1883
Deeds, wills, financial papers, correspondence and other papers of the Wilkes family of Sedgley, Staffordshire.
This collection includes family correspondence, 1786-1883, mostly addressed to members of the Wilkes family living at the Graveyard, Sedgley; household and business bills and receipts,1750-1882; Wilkes family wills, 1653-1852, including Richard Wilkes of Dudley Foreign, yeoman, 1663, John Wilkes of New Park, Dudley, yeoman, 1684, Elizabeth Wilkes of Sedgley, widow, 1780, John Wilkes of the Graveyard, Sedgley, victualler, 1807, and Francis Wilkes of Dudley, 1835; bonds, 1626-1773; title deeds relating to property in Sedgley and Dudley (including deeds for property at the Graveyard) and elsewhere, including Bridgnorth, Wednesbury and Kingswinford, 1566-1854.
One deed of conveyance of 1783 includes a detailed inventory and valuation of the household goods of Elizabeth Wilkes, widow, in a dwelling house at the Graveyard in the parish of Sedgley.
The collection includes materials relating to families who intermarried with the Wilkes family, principally the Brecknell and Penn families
The bulk of the collection relates to several generations of the Wilkes family who owned land and premises at the Graveyard in the parish of Sedgley. Some of the following individuals are represented in the papers: John Wilkes, a copy of whose will dated 1769 is in the collection and his wife, Elizabeth and some of their five children: Edward, Hannah, John, Francis and Henry;
John Wilkes, who died in 1807 (a probate copy of his will is also in the collection) and his wife, Elizabeth and some of their five children: John, Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Edward.

MS 98
Arithmetic manuscript

Extent 1 volume
Date c 1759
Arithmetic teaching manuscript which is written in calligraphic hand, by unknown author who defines 'Arithmetic' and the purpose for which the manuscript was compiled on the first leaf. 'Arithmetic is an art or science that teacheth to reckon, or accompt well; ie to give proper answers to all such questions as demand how many, how much, how far &c. It hath for its subject, number; and all numbers may be expressed by the following characters, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. The dextrous handling of which, is what is here proposed to be taught...' The author covers addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with text and numerous examples. The manuscript appears to be incomplete. It is undated but on the inside front cover, there is a pencil note giving the date as 1759

MS 136
Commonplace book of Frances Sarah Burcher

Extent 1 volume
Date c 1804
Volume comprises manuscript poetry and verses, many of which are attributed to well-known poets of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Includes works by Charlotte Smith (1749-1806), Samuel Rogers (1763-1855), Mary Robinson (c 1757-1800), Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774), William Cowper (1731-1800), Richard Bloomfield, Amelia Opie (1769-1853), Edward Jerningham (1727-c 1812), Robert Southey (1774-1843), Rev James Hurdis (1763-1801), William Thomas Moncrieff (1794-1857), William Bowles (1762-1850), Matthew Gregory Lewis (1775-1818), Caroline Princess of Wales (1768-1821) and William Roscoe (1753-1831). The commonplace book, which includes a range of romantic, comic and descriptive verses, also includes some poems which appear to be unpublished or unattributed.
Some items are of particular interest including works concerning slavery by William Cowper; an example of the xenophobic attitude of the day contained within a long poem entitled 'A Law Tale' which concerns a travelling German Jew; and a poem written in a 'Zummerzet' dialect
Burcher, Frances Sarah (fl early 19th cent)

MS 206
Ambler Letters

Extent 1 folder
Date 1760-1788
Letters from mostly from Ann Ambler to her cousin's children, principally to Thomasin Ibbetson but also to her elder sister, Mrs. Isabella Cole. The collection also includes a single letter from Henry Ibbetson, written from Bath in 1760, to his two daughters. A list of the letters compiled by a previous owner of the correspondence, under the heading 'Letters regarding the Fenton family given to my father by Denzil Fenton' is included with the letters. Some of the letters have also been annotated in pencil in the same hand.
The content of the letters suggests that by 1772 Thomasin was at school in London and her married sister, Isabella Cole, was living in Yorkshire. It would appear that Ann Ambler acted in the role of a guardian to Thomasin in matters relating to her school, her clothes and living expenses and accommodating her during the school holidays. She obviously prides herself on her abilities in overseeing Thomasin's education and welfare and advising on the delicate and important business of equipping a young woman with the necessary attributes for a respected place in society while at the same time being mindful of financial limitations. The letters written to Mrs Cole were therefore mainly reports on Thomasin's progress and any expenses incurred by Mrs Ambler in providing for her. After Thomasin had left school and was about to embark on a public social life, Mrs Ambler's letters contain more about concerns for the propriety of her behaviour and advice on the correct way to introduce young women into 'the world''. While it appears from her letters that Mrs Ambler has particular affection and admiration of Thomasin she also takes a great deal of interest in the lives of the other young people of her acquaintance and family including Ibbetson siblings and her own nieces and nephews. She takes a Miss Martin who appears to be of a similar age to Thomasin, under her wing and also has her brother Nicholas' daughter, Nanny, to live with her for several months in order to finish her education.
Overall, her letters, provide a vivid picture of the lives of two generations of women in the eighteenth century, illustrating their experiences and attitudes in relation to their families and society and including intriguing details of their wardrobes, entertainments and social activities.
Ann Ambler (née Paxton) was born 3 August 1719, sister to Elizabeth (b 1716), |Nicholas (b 1714), Harrey (b 1720) and William (b 1723) and was baptised at St. Andrew, Holborn. She was the wife of Charles Ambler (1721-1794) barrister and politician, Attorney General to Queen Charlotte from 1782-1794, residing at 3 Queen's Square, London and of Stubbings House, Maidenhead. Thomasin Ibbetson (b c 1757) and Isabella Cole (b c 1742) were the daughters of Sir Henry Ibbetson of Yorkshire and his wife Isabella, daughter of Ralph Carr, and were orphaned by 1769. Lady Isabella Ibbetson was Ann's first cousin, sharing grandparents Nicholas and Deborah Paxton of Durham. Ann Ambler was childless and clearly took a strong interest in the welfare of her cousin's daughters. Isabella married Major Thomas Rea Cole in Leeds in 1764 with whom she had a daughter also named Isabella. Isabella's younger sister Thomasin is at school when the correspondence begins but in 1778 marries James Fenton of Otley, Yorkshire on 2 February 1778 at York and by the end of the correspondence, in 1788, has at least three daughters, Thomasin (b 1779), Jane (b 1780), Isabella (b 1782) and two sons, William Carr (b 1783) and James (b 1784).

Diaries of Lady Anne Romilly

Extent 5 volumes
Date 1793-1798
Five diaries written by Lady Anne Romilly. The first volume, a 'Souvenir or Pocket Remembrancer' for 1793, contains transcribed quotations and lists of expenses. The other volumes are a 'Polite Repository or Pocket Companion' and contain brief diary entries recording events in her daily life and lists of expenses. There are marked differences in the style and pace of the diaries. The first, with intermittent, copied commentaries on social ideals and expectations in the form of riddles, puzzles and verse, gives a picture of a young woman anticipating the life to which she has entry in the following years. As she reaches the age of 21, the volumes become a vivid, first hand account of her lively participation in the social circle of notable families of the area. With the fifth volume there is another change, with entries all but disappearing soon after her marriage in January, an occasion which she herself leaves unmarked.
Between 1794 and 1797, entries generally recount tales of visits, dinners, balls and the partaking of tea. There are numerous references to people who visited, or were visited by, Anne and her family, including the family of Matthew Boulton (1728-1809), Lord Lansdowne (1737-1805) and other members of the local aristocracy - most frequently Lord Oxford and the Harley family of Eywood House [Edward Harley (1773-1848) 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer]. The diaries show her to have had an enjoyment of sketching, active outdoor pursuits and a wry sense of humour. Her choice of transcriptions in French, Italian and English suggest a pleasure in the use of language.
The diaries for 1793 and 1796-1798 contain loose items, including pencil and ink sketches, manuscript transcripts, items of correspondence and brief printed extracts.
There is no volume for 1795.
Anne Romilly (c 1773-1818) was the daughter of Francis Garbett (d 1800) of Knill Court, Herefordshire. Garbett was secretary to former prime minister William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne and 1st Marquess of Lansdowne (1737-1805), Bowood House, Wiltshire. She married Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818) lawyer, politician and legal reformer, Huntington Park Herefordshire, in January 1798 and they went on to have seven children. Stricken with grief, he committed suicide just a few days after his wife's death on 2 November 1818.
Growing up at Knill Court, Anne would have lived with her grandfather, Samuel Garbett (1717-1803) and brother, Colonel John Walsham Garbett (1771-1819), both of whom were active in Birmingham industrial life. Like her father and husband, Anne's grandfather played an active role in political life, lobbying Parliament on behalf of Birmingham Manufacturers in London. Matthew Boulton (1728-1809), prominent Birmingham Industrialist, was one of his close friends and supporters.

Diary of Mary Anne Keene

Extent 1 volume
Date 1794-1796
Partially filled notebook containing the travel diary of Mary Anne Keene, describing journeys taken sporadically between 1794 and 1796. The journey described in most detail is that undertaken by Mary Anne and her parents through the west of England and Wales between 14 June and 17 October 1794 when Mary was aged about thirteen. She wrote in her diary almost every day recording the weather, the places they visited, daily activities and social life. It is written in a quite formal style more as a factual account of the family's itinerary with few hints to the writer's personal opinions or feelings but is a valuable record of a child's impressions of places and sites of interest. Her descriptions of her leisure activities such as bathing in the sea and rides and walks with her father also provide an insight into the relationship between the parents and child which was perhaps less formal and distant than might have been expected at that time. The change in tone and presentation of the diary as Mary Anne grew into adolescence perhaps reflects her increasing reluctance to continue the exercise of keeping a diary in the way she had so diligently when younger.
Mary Anne Keene (1781/2-1859) was the daughter of Benjamin Keene of Westoe Lodge, Cambridgeshire and Mary Ruck of Swyncomb, Oxfordshire. Her father was Member of Parliament for Cambridge from 1776-1784 and her grandfather, Edmund Keene, was Master of Peterhouse College, Cambridge, Bishop of Chester and then Bishop of Ely. Mary Anne's siblings included Frances, Benjamin (c 1786-1829), Charles and James. In 1801 Mary Anne married Sir William Blackett ( 1758-1816) of Matfen Hall, Matfen, Northumberland. They had seven children, William Douglas (1802-1805), Edward (1805-1885), Maria Patience (1806-1876), Henry Collingwood (1808-1856), Frances (1808-1826), John Charles (1813-1896) and Charles (1815-1898). Mary Anne's brother, Benjamin, married Augusta Fane in 1815. Mary Anne died aged 77 years on 7 August 1859 at 16 Portman Street, Marylebone, London and was buried at All Souls Cemetery, Kensal Green.

Log book of Septimus Mills

Extent 1 volume
Date 1784-1787
Volume containing the daily journal of the proceedings on board the East India Company ships 'Lord Camden' and 'Elizabeth and Ann' kept by Septimus Mills, Fourth Mate.
The log starts with the Lord Camden's journey from Gravesend on February 7, 1784, documenting the course and the weather to Bombay and its journey back to England which ends May 9, 1786. The log book resumes with the journey of ship 'Elizabeth and Ann' from England to St. Petersburg commencing April 22, 1787 and returning to England July 14, 1787. The rear of the volume contains 'A list of the Lord Camden's Company' which lists the names and position of all those on board with their fate noted in a column titled 'Dead, Run or Discharged', a considerable number of seamen fled at Bombay.

Exercise book of arithmetic by James Martin

Extent 1 volume
Date 1767
Manuscript exercise book kept by James Martin, a school boy from Henfield, Sussex.
The volume is filled from both front and back with the first recto page titled 'A collection of pleasant questions to exercise all parts of vulgar arithmetick' while the alternative recto page is titled 'Multiplication of Decimals'. The volume contains calculations, diagrams and questions posed by the tutor.

Calendar of Caesar's Second and First British Expeditions by William Stukeley

Extent 1 volume
Date 1764
Volume written by William Stukeley titled by the author as a `'Kalendar of Caesars II Brittish Expedition'. The volume consists of a chronology of the activities of the Romans in Britain in the year 700 noting the locations visited by the Caesar. It contains the dates of the ancient Roman year and corresponding contemporary dates with some printed illustrations inserted. The rear of the volume also contains a more brief calendar of the first expedition staged in the year 699.
William Stukeley (1687-1765) FRS was a renowned antiquarian and co-founder of the Society of Antiquarians

Account book of James Smyth

Extent 1 volume
Date 1793-1820
Farm and estate accounts of James Smyth of Quickswood, Hertfordshire. The first page also contains notes made by James Smyth relating to the birth and death of his daughter, Ann Smyth and the death of his wife.

Copybook of documents relating to Lichfield

Extent 1 volume
Date c 1799-1821
Copy book, in various hands, comprising of transcripts of documents relating to Lichfield including voters lists, accounts of charities, statutes of the Cathedral etc.

MS 308
Poems by Elizabeth Coke

Extent 1 volume
Date 1771
A volume of poems by Elizabeth Coke who later became Lady Hunloke. The volume is signed and dated February 28 1771.

MS 309
Notebook of a citizen of Worcester
Extent 1 volume
Date 1788-1795
Notebook of an anonymous citizen of Worcester in which events relating to Worcester and the surrounding area are recorded. The author records, among other events, the visit made by King George III and Queen Charlotte to Worcester in August 1788 when the Royal Warrant was granted to the Worcester porcelain factory. Other events noted are flooding in the area of the River Severn and executions of local criminals. Only first few pages of volume have been used. Pages have been torn out from the back of the volume.

Senhouse family papers

Extent 2 volumes, 1 folder
Date 1731-1966
This is a varied collection of material relating to the history of the Senhouse family compiled by Roger Senhouse and including some of his own personal papers such as his writings on philosophical matters, his notes on his social and professional life and current affairs.
Senhouse used what was originally an eighteenth century account book recording receipts of rents and references to members of the Senhouse family, to make notes and record events relative to the early years of the Second World War. Senhouse makes references, by use of their initials, to meetings with literary and political figures of the time eg. Robert Boothby, Lloyd George, Victor Gollancz, Kingsley Martin. Notes about political and military news are interspersed with jottings relating to business and social gatherings with literary figures of the day. He records a meeting with George Orwell, referred to as 'Blair', and their conversation about his works, publishers and his future plans. The volume also contains notes and an essay, of indeterminate date, on philosophy. Another essay on the philosophical and mathematical nature of time is also enclosed on loose sheets. Senhouse has also made extensive notes on the genealogy of the Senhouse family.
The collection also contains Senhouse family papers from the eighteenth century together with handwritten and typed notes by Roger Senhouse on the history of the Senhouse family, newspaper cuttings and printed material relating to the local area of the Senhouse estate in Cumberland, and Roger Senhouse's copy of a book by Edward Hughes 'North country life in the eighteenth century' Vol II Cumberland and Westmorland 1700- 1830, O.U.P. 1965, with annotations in Senhouse's hand.
The family letters include:
1. Letter to Humphrey Senhouse (1706-1770) from his father -in -law, Sir George Fleming, dated 30 Nov 1751, congratulating him on the birth of his son
2. Letter to Humphrey Senhouse (1731-1814) from Jean-Christian Curwen, dated Jan 1758, concerning agricultural matters
3. Letter from Humphrey Fleming Senhouse (1781-1841), St Bees, dated 7 May 1788, to his mother, Elizabeth
4. Letter from Edward Hooper Senhouse, undated, to his mother, Elizabeth
Miscellaneous papers include a drawing of the front elevation of Oddfellows Hall, Cockermouth, built in 1842, a receipt to Mrs. Wood from Alexander Kelty, jeweller, 15 Dec 1805 and part of a letter, showing only the address of Mrs Senhouse, Nether Hall from London 24 May 1804.
Other papers in the collection consist of handwritten and typescript notes on the history of the Senhouse family with transcriptions of family letters and a transcription, in Roger Senhouse's hand, of a petition to King James I from John Senhouse, a note of dates of birth of Sir Joseph Senhouse's children 1788-1808, a heavily annotated order of service on the retirement of the bishop of Carlisle 22 October 1966, a letter to Roger Senhouse from J.R.G. Poleman,dated 11 Sep 1966 concerning Senhouse family history and a photograph of two wine coolers.

Commonplace book of Latin poetry
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1780
Commonplace book of Latin poetry by a variety of authors compiled by H. Sumner, possibly a schoolboy but otherwise unknown.

Album of poetry
Extent 1 volume
Date 1795-1829
Collection of poems, mostly in one hand, pasted into an album by an anonymous compiler. Each poem is dated and many also have the time of day and location for example Durham Castle, Wednesday night October 3rd 1827and some also include a biblical reference and or a Latin inscription. The volume has a contemporary leather binding with gilt tooling and gilt edging.

MS 325 [see also MS 751 below]
Notebooks of Richard Jago
Extent 19 items in 1 volume
Date c 1751-1781
A collection of seventeen notebooks, bound with two printed sermons in one volume. The volume consists of:
1. Printed sermon 1755
2. Printed sermon 1763
3. Notes on the subjects of his sermons at Harbury 1751-1760
4. Memorandum of subjects in sermons preached at Snitterfield 1754-1760
5. Accounts of Snitterfield tithes 1759-1781
6. A short introduction and examination for the Lord's supper (in another hand)
7. Sermon on Romans 6 last verse (in another hand with annotations by Jago)
8. Sermon partly in Jago's hand
9. Sermon on Job 22.v21 partly in Jago's hand
10. Lecture on the catechism 1761
11. Sermon on the incarnation
12. Sermon on the text 'suffered under Pontius Pilot' 1761
13. Sermon on the crucifixion 1761
14. Sermon on Christ's burial and descent into Hell 1761
15. Sermon on Acts 2 v.96
16. Sermon on Christ's session at the right hand of God
17. Sermon on John16.7 (partly in Jago's hand)
18. A short account of Mr Spearman's enquiry after philosophy and theology published 1755
19. A short account of Mr Catcot's treatise on the subject of the creation of the earth 1756 (including diagrams)
Richard Jago (1715-1781) was born near Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire. After studying at Oxford and ordination he became vicar of Snitterfield and Kimcote, parishes in the same county. He was a poet of some distinction. His most famous work possibly being a long poem in 4 volumes on the subject of the battle of Edgehill.

MS 352 [see also JP above]
Doctrines of heathen philosophy by Joseph Priestley
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1800
Manuscript of Joseph Priestley's work which was published posthumously. The pages have been pasted into a volume of modern binding.

MS 361
Philip Bracebridge Homer poems
Extent 2 volumes
Date c 1695-1825
Two volumes containing poetry primarily by Philip Bracebridge Homer, but also verse by other poets copied by Homer and Homer poetry as transcribed by his family.
Philip Bracebridge Homer (1765-1838) was the son of Henry Homer, rector of Birdingbury, Warwickshire and brother of Henry Homer, the classical scholar. He went to Rugby School and then Oxford university. He returned to Rugby as an assistant master in 1785 and remained there for the next thirty-seven years whilst also pursuing his literary career. His collection of poems, the Garland, published in 1788 and his Anthologia in 1789 included verse previously published in the Gentleman's Magazine. With his brother, Arthur he completed editions of Latin classics his brother Henry had left unfinished. He died at Rugby in 1838.

MS 369
Journal of Sir Edward Lyttleton
Extent 1 volume
Date 1755
A journal kept by Sir Edward Lyttleton of a tour through Wales in July 1755 starting out from Bewdley and including Montgomery, Powis Castle, Bala Lake, Carnarvon, Denbigh and Chirk Castle. The journal is written in the form of two letters addressed to 'Dear Bower' who, being unable to accompany the party on the tour, is given a description of the places visited and the scenery passed through.

MS 378
Household accounts book
Extent 1 volume
Date 1777-1785
A book of detailed household accounts kept probably by the mistress of the house. Although the name and location of the family is unknown it would appear from the entries that they lived somewhere in South Gloucestershire. Enclosed in volume are newspaper cuttings, dated 1924, with articles relating to finds of other eighteenth and nineteenth century household accounts books.

MS 379
Book of sermons by John Fleming
Extent 1 volume
Date 1768-1820
A book of sermons 'on various subjects' by John Fleming with later annotations, in a different hand. The volume is signed and dated by John Fleming in 1768 but the first sermon is dated 1784. Enclosed in the volume is a photostat copy of a page from a sermon which does not appear to be related to this item.
John Fleming (fl. 1780s) rector of parish of Plymtree, Devon

MS 384
Sermons of Thomas Turner
Extent 2 vols
Date c 1700
Two volumes of sermons by Thomas Turner written out anonymously, however, volume one contains a loose sheet written in, possibly, the same hand signed 'AH Pampisford January 25 1704'. Annotations at the front and back of each volume and another enclosed loose sheet of sermon notes is in a different hand. The name J. Fleming [Oriel College] appears in both volumes but the connection to the volume is not clear.
Thomas Turner (1645-1714) born in Bristol, the son of a clergyman, was educated at Corpus Christi College Oxford becoming a fellow in 1672 and DD 1683. He held a number of livings eventually becoming chaplain to King James II and canon and precentor of St Paul's Cathedral, London. However, he preferred Oxford and arranged for others to preach at St Paul's for him. In 1688 Turner was elected president of Corpus Christi and was a benefactor of the College in terms of funding new building work and in the presentation of his collection of books to the library. He died and was buried in the College in 1714.

MS 386
Sermons preached at Rawmarsh
Extent 1 volume
Date 1705-1746
Sermons, written by unknown author, preached at Rawmarsh, Yorkshire

MS 387
Book of sermons
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1771
Sermons by unknown author although two names appear at the end of the volume, Revd Peter Roney and Patrick Surley. Also at the back of the volume is included a notice of a sale 'by publick cant at the house of Bryan Gillmor of Drumachadon' of stooks of corn, dated 26 Sep 1771. This suggests that the volume originated in Ireland although no place or persons names can be traced.
MS 398
Greek and Latin exercise books
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1716-1720
A series of notebooks of Greek and Latin exercises, in various hands, bound together in one volume.
It is possible that this item belonged to and was, in part, created by, Andrew Gifford D.D, (1700-1784) Baptist minister and numismatist who, for a time was assistant librarian at the British Museum. He left many of his books and manuscripts to the Baptist College in Bristol.

MS 400
Elementa mathematica
Extent 1 volume
Date 1712
The principles of mathematics including vulgar fractions and decimals, a treatise on algebra, rules for the solution of equations and Euclid by S. Jones written partly in English and partly in Latin.
Samuel Jones (1681-1719), a former student of Leiden University, established a nonconformist academy in Gloucester. In 1713 the institution was moved to Tewkesbury where it established a reputation for learning and scholarship. Among the students were Baptist Andrew Gifford, Edward Godwin and Thomas Secker, later to become Archbishop of Canterbury. Jones's writings, such as his notes on Thomas Godwin, were much valued by later scholars but none of his work was ever published. Jones died in 1719 and was buried in Tewkesbury Abbey.

MS 401
Praelectiones S. Jones in Godwini
Extent 3 volumes
Date c 1713
Lectures of Samuel Jones on Thomas Godwin's work on Jewish antiquities and the Old Testament. All three volumes are written, in the same hand, in Latin with some Hebrew but the contents pages of volumes 1 and 2 are in a different hand.
Samuel Jones (1681-1719), a former student of Leiden University, established a nonconformist academy in Gloucester. In 1713 the institution was moved to Tewkesbury where it established a reputation for learning and scholarship. Among the students were Baptist Andrew Gifford, Edward Godwin and Thomas Secker, later to become Archbishop of Canterbury. Jones's writings, such as his notes on Thomas Godwin, were much valued by later scholars but none of his work was ever published. Jones died in 1719 and was buried in Tewkesbury Abbey. He was succeeded by his nephew Jeremiah Jones.

MS 402
Copy book of letters by George Whitefield
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1775-1780
Copies of the letters that George Whitefield wrote between 1736 and 1758 including the period he was engaged in missionary preaching in America. These letters have been copied from the second volume of the printed edition of his letters 1771 and includes an argument on the Covenant of Grace and other religious writings. The recipient of his letters are not easily identifiable as he often only uses their initials or addresses them as 'Dear Sir' or 'Dear Ladyship'. Bound with Whitefield's letters is a copy of Robert Lowth's translation of Isaiah written in the same hand. Interspersed throughout both manuscripts are pages of a printed bibliography of French, Italian and Spanish books on history [18th century].
George Whitefield (1714-1770) leader of Calvinistic Methodists, graduated from Pembroke College Oxford and was ordained deacon in 1736. He then embarked on an evangelistic mission to various American states. He returned to America several times as well as travelling widely throughout Britain. He published sermons and autobiographical writings. He died at Newburyport Massachusetts in 1770.
Robert Lowth (1710-1787) was educated at New College Oxford. He became archdeacon of Winchester in 1750, bishop of Oxford 1766, bishop of London and dean of the Chapel Royal in 1777. He published his new translation of Isiah in 1778.

MS 404
Sermons of George Hooper
Extent 2 volumes
Date c 1720
George Hooper's sermons with a printed copy of Rev. Thomas Coney's account of the life and character of George Hooper published in a Political Journal in the year of Hooper's death 1727.
Hooper, George (1640-1727) Bishop of Bath and Wells

MS 405
Notes for speeches by John Henley
Extent 2 volumes
Date 1754-1755
Notebooks containing notes written by John 'Orator' Henley for his speeches.
John Henley known as 'Orator' Henley (1692-1756), dissenting minister and eccentric, was educated St John's College Cambridge and took holy orders, preaching a form of primitive Christianity and claiming to be the restorer of church oratory. In 1726 he founded his own chapel known as the Oratory. Here, as well as preaching in his own eccentric style he gradually introduced more and more political subjects and commentaries on contemporary society. He also published works on oratory, theology, grammar and translation and continued to write and deliver sermons throughout his life although gradually his audiences diminished. By the time he was compiling these notebooks he was becoming increasing ill and died soon after.

MS 406
Funeral sermon and extracts of diaries compiled by Richard Pearsall
Extent 1 volume
Date 1736
Manuscript sermon as preached by Reverend Bradshaw at the funeral of Mrs Housman of Kidderminster, Worcestershire on November 9th 1735. Additional extracts are also included from the devotional diary kept by Mrs Hannah Housman along with an account of her death by her servant who attended her, all compiled by her brother, Richard Pearsall.
Richard Pearsall (1698-1762) dissenting minister was born in Kidderminster, Worcestershire. He was educated at the dissenting academy at Tewkesbury under Samuel Jones (see MS399, MS400 and MS401) and ordained at Bromyard, Herefordshire in 1721. He was a keen correspondent and wrote to Philip Doddridge and George Whitefield (see MS 402). Pearsall published sermons, tracts and other devotional works. After the death of his sister Hannah Houseman, who it is said was an early influence in his religious life, he published extracts from her diary under the title 'The power and pleasure of devine life' 1744.

MS 413
Account of William Hodson's journey through English counties
Extent 2 volumes
Date 1772-1902
An account of a journey through the counties of Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Nottinghamshire made by William Hodson in 1772. Also included is a transcript of his diary made by Fanny C. Bennett, his great, great granddaughter in 1902.

MS 450 Ecclesiastical statutes of Hereford Cathedral
Extent 1 volume
Date 18th century
A copy of the ecclesiastical statutes of Hereford Cathedral, in Latin, by an unknown author. Additional notes, including one loose page, in Latin and English is in another hand possibly belonging to John Merewether.

MS 454 Prayer book of the Lawson family
Extent 1 volume
Date 1757-c 1800
A collection of Roman Catholic personal devotions for use privately and during daily offices, written mainly by Anastasia, Lady Lawson, with additions by her husband Sir Henry Lawson and their daughter, Catherine Silvertop.
Lawson family of Brough Hall, Catterick, Yorkshire; Sir Henry Lawson, 2nd Bart d.1781; Lady Anastasia Lawson d.1764; Catherine Lawson who married John Silvertop

MS 455 'The Banquet' by Xenophon
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1800
Description Manuscript copy by an unknown author of 'The banquet' by Xenophon translated by James Welwood together with an essay on the death of Socrates also by Welwood. The essay is dedicated to Lady Jean Douglass and there are brief biographical details about her in another hand on the reverse of the title page.

MS 457 A collection of songs
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1777
Manuscript collection of songs, primarily Scottish, with some printed songs pasted on the end paper and back cover

MS 460 Mortgage document between William Shenstone and Paul White
Extent 1 item
Date 1758
Mortgage document between William Shenstone of Halesowen and Paul White dated 30 October 1758 for the amount of £500.
William Shenstone (1714-1763), poet and landscape gardener, was born at the family estate, the Leasowes, near Halesowen, then in the county of Shropshire. He was educated at Solihull Grammar School and went up to Oxford University but left in 1736 without taking a degree. He returned to live at the Leasowes around 1741 and set about transforming the grounds with his designs for a natural landscape. His achievement was to create one of the most celebrated gardens of the eighteenth century, attracting visitors from around the country. Shenstone is acknowledged as one of the most influential figures in the development of landscape architecture and garden design. He was also a poet and essayist of some distinction, his work often praised by other more well known writers of his day. His works include 'The school mistress' a poem in the style of Edmund Spenser and admired by Oliver Goldsmith, 'Elegies', 'Pastoral ballad in four parts' and 'Judgement of Hercules' 1740.
During his life time he was well acquainted with celebrated figures from various walks of life such as the entrepreneur Matthew Boulton and the printer John Baskerville, writers and philosophers as well as aristocratic families through his friendship with Henrietta Knight, Lady Luxborough, of Barrels near Henley-in-Arden, and George Grey, the fifth Earl of Stamford, at Enville. Impoverished, due to his expenditure on the grounds at Leasowes, William Shenstone died of a fever on 11 February 1763.

MS 484 Il pastor fido: The faithful shepherd
Extent 1 volume
Date 1715
A translation into English of Giovanni Baptista Guarini's 'Il pastor fido' by John Cunningham 'a broken officer of the army' and dedicated to the Duchess of Montrose.
Cunningham, John, fl. 1715.
NB. The Cadbury Research Library holds an extensive collection of editions of Il pastor fido

MS 487 English words derived from the Greek
Extent 1 volume
Date 1796
Compilation in alphabetical order of English words with their derivation from the Greek and including Greek word trees. This appears to be the work of different hands but the volume has been inscribed 'John Badley's Book, West Bromich School' in another hand and two dates in 1796 which might indicate that he was given use of the book while at the school.

MS 494 Letterbook of Thomas Wood of Billericay
Extent 1 volume
Date 1771-1781
Copies of letters sent to Thomas Wood of Billericay, Essex, with some of his replies. The letters have been sent by correspondents throughout Britain and in India. The letters are in response to a medical report concerning Thomas Wood published in the Universal Magazine July 1772, a copy of which is also included in the letterbook. The report details how Thomas Wood's health improved firstly as a result of giving up alcohol and then by making further changes to his diet until he was eating only a form of bread pudding and not drinking at all.
Wood, Thomas, b.1719, Miller of Billericay, Essex

MS 509 Diaries of Reverend Thomas Brown
Extent 7 volumes
Date 1785-1796
The diaries of Reverend Thomas Brown, vicar of Tideswell and Wormhill, Derbyshire comprising a daily journal and household accounts. Each volume is the annual issue of the same printed diary, account book and almanac for the years 1785, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1790, 1791 and 1796. In each diary he records his domestic and family life, his professional engagements as a clergyman and household accounts including professional fees received for marriages, christenings and funerals. He also appears to run a school and have pupils lodging with him and his wife, Esther. Additional notes include homemade remedies.

MS 513 Sermon preached by Josiah Tucker, Dean of Gloucester
Extent 1 volume
Date 1779
Manuscript sermon as preached by Josiah Tucker, Dean of Gloucester, at Gloucester Cathedral on 25 October 1779.
Josiah Tucker (1712-1799), economist and priest, was appointed Dean of Gloucester 1758. He was the author of works on economics, politics and religion. He was against going to war for the sake of trade and argued that going to war with America was a mistake for all concerned. Some of his economic theories anticipated the works of Adam Smith.

MS 521 Commonplace book of Francis Perceval Eliot
Extent 1 volume
Date 1791-1803
A commonplace book compiled by Francis Perceval Eliot consisting primarily of articles on historical characters and contemporary affairs.
Francis Perceval Eliot (1755-1818), writer on finance and army officer, was born in Surrey and was educated at Charterhouse before entering the army in 1775. In 1782 he left his regiment with the rank of captain and settled in Staffordshire. From his home at Elmhurst he raised a troop of yeomen and took the rank of major in the Staffordshire Yeoman Infantry. From 1799 to 1805 he lived mainly in Lichfield but later he sold his estate and became resident in London and became auditor of public accounts. He wrote several works on currency and banking and a series of his letters on the financial state of the nation were published in the Pamphleteer between 1814 and 1816.

MS 524 Watercolour views of Shropshire
Extent 6 items
Date 1774-c 1820
A collection of watercolours of views in Shropshire including the following signed by J. Smith of Broseley, Part of Halesowen Abbey; Ruins of Lower Pepper Hall belonging to the Earl of Shrewbury; Three ancient wells, Howbury Mortimer. Also included, but unsigned, is a mounted south view of Bridgenorth Castle dated July 1774, possibly also by J. Smith a small unsigned watercolour of a house near Church Stretton and one pencil drawing of a view of Plowden Woods, near Bishop's Castle, Shropshire.

MS 541 Copybook of Dr Robert Parker
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1744-1768
Copybook, containing copies of his letters to, among others, his brother, Sir Thomas Parker, Chief Baron of the Exchequer. The volume also contains verse in Latin and English and entries on history, medicine and prayers. The letters concern personal and family affairs, the war with France, parliamentary elections in Durham and the death of George III.
Dr Robert Parker, M.A (d.1776) Rector of Elwick, Co. Durham was inducted into the Rectory and Parish Church of Elwick, 16 June 1741.

MS 543 Notes on the public lectures given by Lambert Bos
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1710
Notes made by unknown author but contemporary with the public lectures on the New Testament given by Lambert Bos, Professor of Greek at the University of Franeker. The notes are written in one hand.
Lambert Bos (1670-1717) Dutch scholar and critic

MS 558 Copybook of Wills from Coventry
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1775
Incomplete volume containing transcript copies of wills of individuals from Coventry and the surrounding area, all written in the same hand although the compiler of the volume is unknown.

MS 562 Diary of James Belcher
Extent 1 volume
Date 1793
A diary kept by James Belcher, a printer and bookseller of Birmingham, between 29 July and 25 October 1793, relating to his period of imprisonment in which he was sentenced for publishing Thomas Paine's 'Letter addressed to the addressers on the late proclamation' relating to the proclamation against seditious writings.
Diary covering 29 July and 25 October 1793, relating to his time spent in prison for publishing Thomas Paine's 'Letter addressed to the addressers on the late proclamation' relating to the proclamation against seditious writings. Belcher appears to accept his imprisonment with equanimity and does not appear to suffer very great hardship while in prison, recording in his diary the many and varied meals eaten each day and his numerous visitors. There are occasional references to the fate of other less fortunate prisoners such as twelve felons all sentenced to transportation. He sympathised greatly with their distress and records that he sent them a trifle which he says was gratefully received.
James Belcher (fl 1793), printer and bookseller, of Birmingham

MS 570 Collection of poems by 'Jonathon M....R'
Extent 1 volume
Date 1772
A collection of poems by an author signed as Jonathan M____r.
Writings include 'An essay on censoriousness' and 'The inundation of the Tyne' with 'several smaller pieces written by Jonathon M....r' with references to Pope and Dryden.

MS 574 Diary of vicar of Duffield, Derbyshire
Extent 1 volume
Date 1726-1731
Diary kept by the vicar of Duffield, Derbyshire from January 1726 until September
Daily entries are made in the diary usually noting the people he has seen that day, any official duties carried out and visits made in and around the parish. He mentions very little about his family except for references to his wife's illness and her death on 26 May 1728. There are also several references to Sir Nathaniel Curzon of Kedleston with whom he dines quite frequently.

Also enclosed is a loose piece of paper with the name and address of G. Cumming Esq., 83 Marine Parade, Worthing, Sussex on the back are names and dates of the family of John Gifford, Rector of Mainstone and a note 'Vicar of Duffield 1759'. It is not clear if these names are connected.

MS 582 Cleerson Sermons copied by Elizabeth Tanner
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1730
A book of sermons written out by Elizabeth Tanner whose signature appears on an endpaper. On the spine is stamped Cleerson Sermons but there is no other evidence of authorship.
Tanner, Elizabeth, (1694-1771)

MS 584 Campaign diary of soldier
Extent 1 volume
Date 1793-1795
The campaign diary of an unidentified officer possibly in the King's Dragoon Guards, written on campaign in France, Flanders and Germany during the French Revolutionary War.
The diary begins 10th June 1793 with the troops embarkation for Ostend after having been reviewed by 'his Majesty in Highpark'. The author gives detailed accounts of the action seen by the allied armies in the fighting against the French throughout Flanders and the Netherlands over the next two years. The allied forces won a notable victory at the Seige of Landrecy 26th April 1794 for which they won the official praise and thanks from the Duke of York, commander of the British troops. The writer also describes the severe winter weather conditions and the terrain the soldiers encountered on their long marches and the privations suffered by the lower ranks such as often having to pitch camp when they had no tents and insufficient food and frequently meeting with hostility from the locals. During a spell of particularly warm weather in July 1794 when there was little action the troops of the opposing forces were encamped on opposite sides of the River néethe (?). The writer describes how some of the soldiers of both sides would swim across the river and drink and talk with the French soldiers and then swim back to their own side. Although this was forbidden the writer comments ' whatever enmity may be in the hearts of Rulers of nations or conduktors of the war against each other, there seems to be little animosity between individuals of the different armies'. Eventually the French forced the retreat of the Allied forces and the by March 1795 many of the British troops had withdrawn to Bremen from where they were returned to England. After the ravages of war in Flanders and the Netherlands the writer comments on the relative peace and prosperity of the town of Bremen. 'We here see the genuine advantages of trade and commerce and the inestimable blessings of peace, here poverty hides her face and playnly the fruits of industry smiles on all around'. On April 10th the Guards left Bremen for England but the last entry in the diary is October 12th when orders came 'to strike our tents and march'. The subsequent pages are missing but it is known that sections of the armies returned to England in December 1795. A contemporary map, in colour, of that part of Europe in which the war was fought has been tipped into the front of the diary. In the front of the volume is what appears to be a later inscription of Elizabeth Georgina Bedford, Denton Rectory, Sussex.

MS 597 Notebook of poems
Extent 1 volume
Date 1798
Notebook of poems by an anonymous author signed as 'J.V. [Jn]' and written between November and December 1798.

MS 612 Ledger and papers relating to Kinver School
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1774-1880
Ledger of accounts relating to Kinver school 1774-1782 and J. F. (John Fox?) the school master and parson.
Ledger of accounts relating to Kinver school 1774-1782 and J. F. (John Fox?) the school master and parson. The ledger also includes a copy, made circa 1780, of indentures of the lease,dated 1685 and release, dated 1686 relating to the endowment property of Kinver School; an epitaph to John Hodgetts of Shutend House and also tipped in is a copy of abstracts of the trusts contained in a decree relative to Kinver Free Grammar School dated 1726.
Kinver Grammar School, situated in the village of Kinver near Stourbridge in Worcestershire, was established in the 1511 when a group of local men paid for a priest to teach grammar, the school closed in 1916.

MS 613 Memorials of Lady Anne Fanshawe
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1800
Transcript of the memorials of Lady Anne Fanshawe. A note at the end states that the memoirs were written by Lady Fanshawe in 1676 and copied in the year 1766 by her great grand-daughter, Charlotte Coleman, from which a copy was transcribed in 1786 by Catherine Maria Fanshawe and this copy was transcribed by W. Smith, writing master.
The memoirs are written to Lady Fanshawe's only son and recount family history and detailed accounts of incidents and events in the life and career of her husband, Sir Richard Fanshawe who died in Madrid in 1666.
Lady Anne Fanshawe (1625-1680), musician and French scholar, was the wife of diplomat, Sir Richard Fanshawe. She shared her husband's royalist views and supported the king during the Civil War. The couple went into exile but returned at the Restoration. Her husband served as a diplomat in France, Ireland, Spain and Portugal and she accompanied him on his diplomatic missions. He died in Madrid in 1666.

MS621 Letters of William Parry
Extent 1 volume
Date 1747-1751
Twelve letters from William Parry to John Seagrave, written in Latin containing moral advice and entertaining anecdotes. The letters are dated between 4 July 1747 and 3 January 1751 and have been tipped into a bound volume.
William Parry of Shipston-on-Stour (1687-1756) calligrapher and numismatist, fellow of Jesus College Oxford and vicar of Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire, from 1739. He was known for his fine handwriting and many of his transcriptions are now kept in the Bodleian Library and Jesus College archives. Some of his verses were published in the Gentleman's Magazine. He died and was buried at Shipston-on-Stour in 1756.

MS 649 Engravings by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck
Extent 5 items o/s
Date 1729-1731
Five engravings of ruins in the midlands counties by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck consisting of:
Halesowen Abbey 1731
Kenilworth Castle 1729
Tamworth Castle 1729
Nuneaton Nunnery 1729
Kenilworth Priory 1729
Samuel Buck (1696-1779), topographical draughtsman and engraver was born in Yorkshire but moved to London as his soon as his business of printing his engravings of town prospects for subscribers became successful. In London he worked closely with fellows of the Society of Antiquaries producing engravings and sketches of historical sites. In November 1726 he planned a series of journeys throughout England to record the state of many historical ruins. His brother, Nathaniel (fl. 1724-1759) was associated with this project accompanying Samuel on many of his surveying journeys. Between 1729 and 1731 they travelled to the midlands counties and later completed tours of counties in Wales Their engravings of castles, abbeys and other ruined buildings as well as town prospects formed a very significant topographical record of historical sites before the Industrial Revolution. Buck continually tried to make money by soliciting commissions from land owners for views of their estates and property as well as advertising drawing and painting lessons but despite help from fellow artists Samuel Buck's last years were spent in poverty and he died 17 August 1779, his brother Nathaniel having died, it is thought, some years before.

MS 650 Maps and surveys of Warwickshire farms and estates belonging to W. A. Roberts
Extent 1 volume o/s
Date c 1808
Volume containing maps and surveys of farms and estates belonging to W. A. Roberts in the parishes of Packwood, Tanworth, Rowington and Hatton, Warwickshire. At the back of the volume is a page listing the farms and their tenants and enclosed is a loose leaf of ledger paper headed HAW Aylesbury Esq. Mortgages which also lists farms and tenants. This probably dates from early 20th century when Aylesbury was the owner of these estates.

MS690 Cash book from Postern church, Derbyshire
Extent 1 volume
Date 1791-1809
Cash book recording income and expenditure of the church in Postern, Derbyshire

MS692 Letterbook of James Mulcaster
Extent 1 volume
Date 1744-1747
Pages from a letterbook containing copies of letters between brothers James and John Mulcaster. James writes from Wanlockhead in Scotland to his brother in the north of England. These letters mainly concern the workings of the mines which the family owned and the buying and selling of horses. There are also copies of letters between James Mulcaster and D. Watson some of which include copies of verses copied out from magazines of the time. Other correspondents include Thomas Westgarth and William Atkinson, his wig maker. The cover of the book shows a print of 'a lady of quality in her Indian silks dress' and has been entitled 'No.1 of letters to several persons on several occasions'.

MS 694 Survey of land in South Normanton, Derbyshire
Extent 1 volume
Date 1699-1770
A survey carried out by John Halton of the land in and around South Normanton, Derbyshire, including the Carnfield demesne and freeholders land in 1699. This land at the time was in the possession of Robert Revell.
This survey is followed, in another hand, by 'a true terrier of tythes and glebes belonging to the Rectory of South Normanton, exhibited at the visitation 16 Oct 1741'. It is signed by the minister and church wardens and was copied from the register in 1770.
This is followed by what appear to be notes on Psalms and sermons made by the minister of the parish (possibly Rev. Francis Revell). These notes are written for the most part in English but with French, Latin and Greek additions.
The volume includes two loose sheets. One dated 10 October 1730 of an entry in the burial register of Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, for Lady Dixie in 1710, to which is attached a form printed in Latin relating to Robert Revell at Oxford University dated 1709. The second loose sheet is a later survey of land at Carnfield undertaken for the then owner, Rev. Francis Revell, in 1738 by Philip Hutchinson of Matlock Bath.

MS 695 Journal of Richard Warburton Lytton of Knebworth House
Extent 1 volume
Date 1786
This journal was possibly kept by Richard Warburton Lytton of Knebworth House, Hertfordshire, between 26 July and 4 October 1786. In his journal he records his business dealings, meetings with merchants, payment of accounts, visits and conversations with associates both in London and at home in the country. He uses his journal also to record his thoughts on religious and moral issues, frequently analysing his own behaviour as a Christian and his constant striving for self improvement. In London he mixes with several well known reformers and religious figures. He mentions letters from, and meetings with, his friend Granville Sharp, the anti slavery campaigner and makes reference to the work of the committee for the settlement of freed slaves established in Sierra Leone. He was also acquainted with Andrew Kippis, the non-conformist clergyman who was then a tutor at a religious college in Hackney.
Lytton appeared to live estranged from his wife but was in correspondence with. He also wrote regularly to his daughter. This could be Elizabeth Barbara Lytton who became the mother of the writer Edward Bulwer Lytton.
Richard Warburton Lytton (1745-1810), member of the Lyttton family of Knebworth House, Hertfordshire. He married Elizabeth Jodrell and they had a daughter, Elizabeth Barbara Bulwer-Lytton (b. 1773) who, on the death of her father, moved back to Knebworth House and lived there until her death with her son, the writer, Edward Bulwer Lytton.

MS 696 Commonplace book of Mary Jackson of Cockermouth
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1775
Commonplace book kept by Mary Jackson of Cockermouth, Cumbria, including a preface by her on the benefits of reading. The extracts, passages and verses she has copied down are mostly on religious and moral themes, particularly parents advice to their children on the importance of living a virtuous life.

MS 701 Manuscript volume entitled 'Mr John Hunter's lectures on the principles of surgery'
Extent 1 volume
Date [late 18th-early 19th century]
Volume of notes in two parts, in an unknown hand, recording a course of medical lectures given by John Hunter.
Topics include physiology, diseases 'which survive from accident' (and 'those which are similar to them'), the 'union of divided parts by the first intention', inflammation and related conditions, discussion of a range of other specific diseases and a brief final section describing the author's observations of experiments primarily conducted by Hunter, but also involving Dr [George] Fordyce, Sir Jos[eph] Banks, Dr [Charles] Blagden and Dr Tillett. The experiments involved observation and manipulation of the temperature of animals (including Man), under different conditions, drawing comparisons with atmospheric temperature.
The volume is prefaced by an introduction written in the first person as though by Hunter himself, but the notes are written in another hand, and are possibly the work of one of his assistants or pupils. The front flyleaf is inscribed in ink with the name of John Badley, with notes of his birth, death and the date he started practising in Dudley 'about 1803'.
The two parts of the volume are each followed by a list of contents. The writer uses a continuous number sequence to identify points in the notes, 1-571 in the first part of the volume, 573-1239 in the second.
John Hunter (1728-1793) was a leading surgeon and anatomist. He began his surgical career in 1748 assisting his brother William Hunter (1718-1783), teacher of anatomy and accoucheur. After studying with William Cheselden (1688-1752) and Percivall Pott (1714-1788), he started at St George's Hospital, London, as a surgical pupil in 1754. In 1760 he joined the army as a staff surgeon gaining experience in gunshot wounds and observation of trauma, and developing what were to be lifelong interests in human and comparative physiology and the collection of specimens. In the early 1760s, he joined James Spence's London dental practice and began to give lectures in anatomy. He was elected fellow of the Royal Society in 1767, became a member of the Company of Surgeons and surgeon at St George's Hospital in 1768, and surgeon-extraordinary to the king in 1776. Through the 1770s his research and teaching interests expanded and it was during this time that he started lecturing on the theory and practice of surgery and began work on a series of treatises, including 'Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation and Gunshot Wounds' that was to be published after his death in 1794. He was an active participant in coffee house scientific discussion groups whose members included Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820) naturalist and President of the Royal Society, 1778-1820, Sir Charles Blagden (1748-1820) and Dr George Fordyce (1736-1802) and Hunter himself founded the 'Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge' in 1783 and the 'Lyceum Medicum Londinenses for the Advancement of Medical Knowledge' two years later. He was detailed and methodical in documenting his observations and experiments, and his rough notes would often be dictated to, or copied by, one of his assistants before being worked up for a lecture or publication. He married Anne Home (1742-1821), daughter of friend and fellow army surgeon, Robert Bayne Home, 22 July 1771. [Source: Oxford DNB Online. Available: http://www.oxforddnb.com. 19 May 2008]
Hunter's pupils included John Abernethy, William Clift, Anthony Carlisle, Edward Jenner, Astley Paston Cooper and Everard Holme. John Badley (1783-1870), FRCS, was a favourite pupil of Dr John Abernethy (1764-1831), surgeon. He studied at St Bartholomew's Hospital before practising in Dudley, West Midlands.

MS 709
Medical receipts
Extent 1 volume
Date late 17th-early 18th century
Volume of medical and other recipes.
This volume has been compiled in several hands. It has been partially paginated from one end, pp 1-96, and these pages are preceded by an alphabetically arranged index to the remedies and medical complaints

MS 739
Arithmetica practica
Extent 1 volume
Date 1714-1748
Notes on mathematics, written in Latin. Throughout the book are inscriptions with various names, most notably father and son James Daikers and David Daikers. Written in English on the last pages of the book are religious passages on the testament of the twelve patriarchs and a paraphrase of the 137th psalm.
David and James Daikers, father and son, of Tannadice, Angus, Scotland were former owners of the book. According to inscriptions in the volume David Daikers was schoolmaster at Tannadice circa 1745.

MS 741
Poems by Baptist Noel Turner
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1770-1820
Volume of poems and other works by Baptist Noel Turner. His writings include satirical comments on political issues of the day with several references to topical events notably the French Revolution as well as literary references to Shakespeare and Dryden. He admired Dr Johnson and makes reference to their discussions on literary matters. He writes mainly in English but also uses Latin and Greek in some of his work.
Baptist Noel Turner (1739-1826) was born at Wing, Rutland. He was educated at Oakham School and entered St John's College, Cambridge later transferring to Emmanuel College where he became a fellow in 1764. He was rector of Denton, Lincolnshire 1769-1816 and of Wing 1771-1826. He was headmaster of Oakham School 1769-1778. He died in London 13 May 1826

MS 745
Letterbook of Frances Seymour, Duchess of Somerset
Extent 1 volume
Date c 1748-1754
Description Letterbook containing copies of eight letters to Lady Luxborough 1748-1753, copies of two letters to William Shenstone 1753 and another letter to an unknown correspondent. The first letter to Lady Luxborough is dated 1748 and is signed as Lady Hertford. Thereafter the letters are signed F. Somerset. Also included is a copy of a description of North Wales in copies of letters from Lord Littleton to his brother, the bishop of Carlisle and a copy of 'Reflections on a picture of Raphael's at the Escurial called La Madonna del Pesce' by Mr Henry. All the items are written in the same hand.
Frances Seymour, Duchess of Somerset (1699-1754) British aristocratic poet, letter writer and patron of the arts. She was born Frances Thynne, the granddaughter of Viscount Weymouth. In 1715 she married Algernon Seymour, Earl of Hertford and in 1739 they acquired the property in Colnbrook, Berkshire, which was to become their home, Piercy Lodge. In 1723 Frances was appointed Lady of the Bedchamber to Caroline, Princess of Wales. She had works of poetry and several of her letters on various topical subjects published. She was a patron of poets including Isaac Watts, Rowe and William Shenstone. On her father-in-law's death in 1748 she became Duchess of Somerset. Her husband died two years later and she lived her last years at Piercy Lodge and died there in 1754. She was buried at Westminster Abbey.

MS 751 [see also MS 325 above]
Account book belonging to Richard Jago
Extent 1 volume
Date 1724-1780
A general account book containing details of income and household expenses. Includes payments made for Richard Jago's children's education, during his time as vicar of Snitterfield. One loose sheet enclosed in the volume appears to be a record kept by Richard Jago's father of receipts for annuities and charitable donations made between 1724 and 1726 when rector of Beaudesert, Warwickshire.
Tipped into the volume is a letter from Joseph Tom Burgess, the Warwickshire historian, dated 16 June 1884. Burgess offers to sell the account book to the unknown recipient of the letter as he knows of their 'connection with the poet' (Jago) and his desire to keep all relevant material together, offering also to send them a tracing of Jago's birthplace and a drawing of Snitterfield parsonage.
Also included are some pencil notes on the account book and Richard Jago's family.
Richard Jago (1715-1781) was born near Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire where his father, Richard, was rector of Beaudesert. After studying at Oxford and ordination he became vicar of Snitterfield and Kimcote, parishes in the same county. He was a poet of some distinction. His most famous work possibly being a long poem in 4 volumes on the subject of the battle of Edgehill.

MS 781
Notebook of Henry Allason, Virginia
Extent 1 volume
Date 1784-1802
Notebook mainly re religious and historical material. Includes copies of letters, including 2 to George Washington, 1 to Lord Chesterfield, and a proposal to open a school in George Town.

MS 856
Papers of the Warly family of Canterbury
Extent 1 volume
Date 18th century
Prayer book, in a contemporary binding, owned by members of the Warly family.
Comprising the illustrated Book of Common Prayer published in London by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, 1709, bound with the Book of Psalms 'collected into English Metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others' London 1710 with numerous manuscript annotations in ink dating from 1711 onwards and three pages of brief, manuscript notes loosely inserted. The last annotations in which dates are referenced record family deaths in 1745.
The annotations highlight passages of the text with underscoring and other contemporary manuscript marks and there are brief references to biblical passages and related points of history including the history of the Book of Common Prayer. Pages at the beginning and end of each book are also inscribed with genealogical notes and Warly family signatures, including that of John Warly (1674-1732) dated 1711, most likely the first owner of the volume, and [his son] Lee Warly (1714-1807) dated 1731 and 1742. The annotations relating to family history appear to have been written in one hand [Lee Warly]; the author identifies himself through his family relationships, for example, recording that Rev John Warly, who died in 1679, was his grandfather.
John Warly (1674-1732), surgeon, was the son of John Warly (d 1679), Rector of Charlton, Kent and brother of Catherina (d 1736) and Clare (d 1745). He lived in Canterbury with his wife, Mary Lee (1682-1769), the daughter of John Lee (d 1720), Alderman of Canterbury, and his wife, Mary. Their son, Lee, was born 28 September 1714. Lee Warly worked as an attorney in Canterbury.

Music Manuscripts Collection

Extent approximately 70 items
Date c 1730-1964
The collection of music manuscripts is an artificial collection of original scores and transcripts of musical compositions brought together by the University of Birmingham's Cadbury Research Library: Special Collections. The collection represents many aspects of the history of music, containing works, for example, of opera, symphonies, concertos and choral works etc.

The Mytton Papers
Extent 7 volumes
Date [1730s-1740s]
Folio volumes of drawings, copies of manuscripts, pedigrees and transcriptions of inscriptions on gravestones and memorial tablets, made by and for William Mytton of Halston, Shropshire, relating principally to Shropshire churches. The drawings include sketches of funerary monuments, memorials and coats of arms, including representations of these in church windows. There are a small number of drawings of external views of churches and a limited amount of material relating to Shropshire historic monuments. The collection includes much unpublished material relating to Shropshire.
William Mytton, 1693-1746, was the son of Richard Mytton of Halston, Shropshire. He was educated at Wadham College, Oxford, gaining his BA in 1714/15 and his MA in 1719 and was incorporated at Cambridge in 1726. He was an antiquary and a Shropshire genealogist and was Rector of Habberley, Shropshire. He died on 3 September 1746.

Slade Baker Papers
Extent 5 boxes
Date 1785-1842
Business correspondence mostly addressed to Slade Baker, a solicitor of Bewdley which provides detailed information about the work of a provincial law firm of the first half of the nineteenth century. The business relates to land and property, administration of clients estates, payment of annuities, purchase of stocks and shares, probate and testamentary cases, court cases and other legal disputes. There is also information about legal documents drawn up by the firm in the course of its business, copies of some of which are included in the archive. The clients of the firm are largely from Worcestershire and the neighbouring counties and include the Childe family of Kinlet, Shropshire. The collection also includes correspondence to and from Wilson Aylesbury Roberts, MP, 1780-1821.
Slade Baker (fl 1815-1840), was a solicitor, of Bewdley, Worcestershire. He was married and had a son, also called Slade. It appears that he may have worked for a family firm as the archive includes earlier legal correspondence addressed to W. Baker and Samuel Baker, both of Bewdley, attorneys. Other correspondence in the archive for the 1840s and 1850s is addressed to W. N. Marcy who, in the 1868 Post Office Directory for Worcestershire, is listed as William Nichols Marcy, a solicitor in High Street, Bewdley and Clerk of the Peace and Town Magistrates' Clerk. It is possible that he took over the firm from Baker. Slade Baker is still listed in the same directory, as a private resident in Bewdley, and at that date was a Justice of the Peace.

Slaney Family Manuscripts
Extent 7 volumes containing 688 items
Date 1544-1860
Scrap book of genealogical information dating from the Middle Ages to the end of the seventeenth century; printed items consisting mainly of extracts from journals, books and newspaper cuttings, 1647-1845; letters, other manuscripts and printed items relating to the cholera outbreak of 1832; printed items including several pamphlets relating to the parliamentary elections at Shrewsbury, 1721-1840; some pamphlets and manuscript items relating to Shropshire, 1722-1860.
Robert Slaney of Hatton Grange, Shropshire married Anne Moreton (d 1672) and had two sons, Moreton (d c 1717), who married Elizabeth Aglionby, and Robert. The line then descended through Robert Aglionby Slaney (1693-1757), to Plowden Slaney (1724-1788) and then to Robert Slaney (b 1764), Plowden's younger son. Through the marriage of Robert's eldest son, Robert Aglionby Slaney (1792-1862) MP for Shrewsbury and social reformer, the Walford estate descended to the Slaney family. Robert Aglionby Slaney and his wife, Elizabeth (only child of William Hawkins Muccleston and sole heir to her uncle, Joseph Muccleston (d 1847) of Walford and Prescott, Shropshire) had three daughters and the line descended through the youngest, Frances Catharine who married Captain William Kenyon who assumed the additional surname of Slaney after that of Kenyon, becoming the Kenyon- Slaney family of Hatton Grange.

Lady Stafford's Letters
Extent 155 items
Date 1774-1907
Letters from Lady Susan Stafford to her daughter Charlotte, Marchioness of Worcester and later Duchess of Beaufort, 1774-1805, reflecting the social life of women in late 18th century high society. Lady Stafford instructs her daughter in matters of education, religion, marriage and bringing up her children. Lady Stafford clearly took a keen interest in politics, and references are made to the trial of Marie Antoinette in France, and the British Government led by William Pitt. She also writes with social news and gossip, details of her reading matter, travels in England, changing fashions and the death of her husband in 1803. The collection includes a few letters to Charlotte from other family members including her sister, Lady Susan Leveson-Gower, the Dowager Duchess of Beaufort and Lady Caroline Egerton; and manuscript notes about the Stafford family made by Raglan Somerset in 1907
Granville Leveson-Gower (1721-1803), Earl Gower and subsequently created the first Marquess of Stafford on 28th February 1786, married as his third wife, on 3rd May 1768, Lady Susannah Stewart (1745-1805) second daughter of the sixth Earl of Galloway. They had four children: Georgiana (1769-1806), who married the honourable William Eliot in 1797 and had four children; Charlotte (1771-1854); Susan (1772-1838), who married Dudley Ryder, later Earl of Harrowby in 1795 and had three sons and five daughters; and Granville (1773-1846) who was created Viscount Granville in 1815 and Earl Granville in 1833. Lord and Lady Stafford lived at Trentham Hall, Staffordshire and in a house in Whitehall, opposite Horse Guards.
Charlotte, to whom the letters are written, married Henry, Marquess of Worcester, in 1791. He succeeded his father as sixth Duke of Beaufort in 1803. They had two sons and eight daughters and, by the time of her mother's death in 1805, Charlotte had given birth to Henry (also known as Herbert, Lord Glamorgan, later seventh Duke of Beaufort, b 1792); Granville (also b 1792); Charlotte (b 1795); Elizabeth (b 1798); and Georgiana (b 1800).
The Lord Gower referred to in the letters is Lord Stafford's eldest son by his second marriage to Lady Louisa Egerton.

The Papers of William Kerr Lothian
Extent 10 items
Date 1779-1800
Documents relating to payments including:
Receipt for payment of outstanding bill by Captain James, 12 May 1779; Sworn statement by Frederick Newman for payment of accounts in arrears, dated 11 Aug 1787; Order for payment of sums of £50 and £30 from John Druly 7 Jul 1784 and 10 Jan 1788; bond of provision (copy) for Lord Lothian, 1794; Receipt of "New Supply" money the Marquis of Lothian's property in Canongate, 1797; Two receipts for land tax and payment of duties in respect of raising recruits for the army and navy dated 1796 and 1797; A share dividend document, London, 27 April 1786; and Edinburgh Friendly Insurance, 1800.
William John Kerr (1737-1815) 5th Marquess of Lothian. Son of William Henry Kerr, 4th Marquess of Lothian (d 1775) and his wife, Caroline (d 1778), daughter of 3rd Earl of Holderness. A General in the Army, Col 1st Life Guards and a Representative Peer, 1778-84.

Letters of William Withering to various correspondents relating mainly to botany and medical matters particularly concerning the plant Drosera.

William Withering, botanist and physician, is credited with the introduction of digitalis into the practice of medicine. Withering was born in Wellington, Shropshire, England in 1741. He followed in the medical footsteps of his father who was an apothecary-surgeon. Withering received his degree in 1766 from the University of Edinburgh. Withering published 19 articles during his lifetime. After fighting a long battle with tuberculosis, he died on 6 October 1799, at the age of 58. Digitalis purpurea in the 18th century was a blessing for people with dropsy. At the same time, foxglove concoctions began to appear in an attempt to cure, albeit unsuccessfully, illnesses such as asthma, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, insanity and others. The 18th century brought foxglove into medical light, but it would take several hundred years before its true healing powers could be harnessed completely.

The Cadbury Research Library also holds Withering’s personal copy of Rice Charleton’s An Inquiry into the Efficacy of Warm Bathing in Palsies (1st edition, Oxford, 1770) with his own scattered manuscript underscoring and marginalia throughout including three longer notes at the end of chapters on pp 21, 72 and 81. Charleton in this work tabulated data by diagnosis when recording the progress of 1053 patients treated with the warm waters of Bath. In this pamphlet Withering has numbered each case (16 twice) and underlined key sentences and paragraphs. On page 81 in reference to Charleton's claim that he knew of no case of cyder-colic from Worcestershire, Withering states that he has been called to patients affected by it.

Wyatt Papers
Extent 95 items
Date 1710-1891
A small collection of letters and papers to and from the Wyatt family. The records include: fragments of John Wyatt's diary, 1734-1740; deeds including marriage bonds, releases and agreements, accounts and receipts, notes, verses, 1710-1849; correspondence between various members of the Wyatt family, 1710-1891.John Wyatt (1700-1766), inventor was the son of John Wyatt and Jane (née Jackson) of Thickbroom, Weeford near Lichfield and one of eight children. He worked as a carpenter at Thickbroom and came to Birmingham, c 1830. His inventions included a spinning machine which was exploited with some success at Birmingham, c 1738; and a compound-lever weighing machine, for weighing loaded wagons, c 1744. He worked for Messrs Boulton and Watt at their Soho Foundry. He married twice and had two sons and four daughters by his second wife, Marabella (née Craven): Charles (who married Jane, daughter of Benjamin Wyatt of Blackbrook); John (who married Sarah Reeves and also worked for Messrs Boulton & Watt as a foreman at the Soho Foundry); Cordelia Ann, (1749-1809 who married Thomas Dobbs in 1770; their eldest daughter, also Cordelia, 1771-1846 married John Southern in 1793. John Southern, d 1815, was manager of the Soho Foundry); Clarissa (who married Thomas Carter); Sophia; Emily (who married Edward Jee of Liverpool).