Birmingham Centre for Genome Biology

Integrated study into the structure and function of genomes.

Understanding how genomes function at a deep molecular level by bringing together experts from across our diverse University. Enabling leading research collaborations between specialists in Gene Regulation and Epigenetics in Development and Disease, RNA Biology, DNA Replication and Repair, Cancer Biology, Bacterial Genome Studies, Environmental Toxicology and Computational Biology.

Contact us

For general enquiries:

Yvonne Barnett

Tel: +44 (0) 121 414 4065
Fax: +44 (0) 121 414 5475

For enquiries relating to content and additions to this web site:

Dr Ben Edginton-White

For enquiries and suggestions relating to the monthly external speaker seminar program:

Dr Clare Davies

For enquiries and amendments relating to the internal BCGB seminar program:

Dr Maarten Hoogenkamp

For enquiries relating to opportunities for post-graduate studies, please contact:

Professor Ferenc Mueller