Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

We understand how the unique and valuable perspectives of people with lived experience help us to ensure our research makes an impact and improves lives.

Introduction to Patient Public Involvement and Engagement
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement - Dr Christel McMullan and Felicity Jeyes
Patient and Public Involvement - Dr Elaine Leung and Jacki
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement - Dr Caroline Gillett and Sunila Siddiqui

At the University of Birmingham, patients and the public are involved throughout our research. We work in partnership with people from all backgrounds to bring different perspectives to the way that research studies are designed, carried out and how the results are shared. We have lots of opportunities to get involved in all aspects of research, so there's something to suit everyone.

Here we signpost to training, support and resources for both public contributors and research teams. Find out more about Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences at the University of Birmingham.