Healthcare Technologies Institute

Research areas and groups
Healing without scarring
Researchers at the Healthcare Technologies Institute are developing new technologies to minimise the impact of scarring on skin and eyes.
Early detection
Researchers at the Healthcare Technologies Institute are investigating rapid, real-time chemical and biological detection methods.
Better prosthetics
While prosthetics and implants are designed to match patients' geometries and native tissue, infection after installation is not uncommon.
Tissue regeneration
Our research focuses on sourcing new methods for tissue regeneration.
West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator
The WMHTIA is focused on helping companies with the challenges of commercialising their products.
Tackling antibiotic resistance
Our researchers are helping to increase life expectancy by finding new ways to combat antibiotic resistance to fight infections globally.
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About us
The Healthcare Technologies Institute is changing the landscape of healthcare.
Meet the Team
Staff in the Healthcare Technologies Institute
Centre for Custom Medical Devices
The Centre for Custom Medical Devices combines multidisciplinary expertise to explore additive manufacturing in the medical devices sector.
Mendes Research Group: Nanoengineering & Surface Chemistry
The Mendes Research Group combine and apply tools from nanochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, biochemistry and micro- and nanolithography.
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Conflict Wound Research Centre
The Conflict World Research Centre organisation
EPSRC-SFI Joint Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and Medicine
Work and study with us
We are striving to advance new technologies and treatments that encourage better tissue healing and rehabilitation tools.