Ideas Research Theme

City-REDI sees the generation of new ideas as essential for creative, successful and resilient regions. Diversity, variety and innovation, in firms, in public sector organisations, in regional economies are driven by new ideas.
We are working together with the public and private sector to explore new ways of innovating to ensure that local excellence in discovery translates into industrial and commercial applications which increase productivity through wider adoption. We need to get better at turning exciting ideas into strong commercial products and services; and innovations in public sector delivery. We are developing new tools to understand impact pathways for ideas and innovations and the way they can improve productivity, or reduce the burden on the public sector through better wellbeing outcomes. We are looking at ways in which government and the private sector can increase investment in research and development (R&D) and select and promote the right projects to achieve the greatest impact for people, businesses, localities, regions and countries.
View our projects:
Commercialisation: Bridging the University-Industry Gap
The commercialisation project aims to understand the role social sciences can play in bridging the divide between technology and research developed in universities, and market opportunities where value will be added.
The Realities, Challenges and Strengths of the External Funding Environment at LEP Level
This project investigates LEPs and their partners' experiences of securing funding, seeking to shed light on the challenges they face as well as the strengths of their approaches.
Local Institutions, Productivity, Sustainability and Inclusivity Trade-offs (LIPSIT)
The LIPSIT project will investigate the role local institutions have in managing the trade-offs that emerge when trying to grow regional economies inclusively and sustainably.
National Civic Impact Accelerator
This programme is a leading voice in the national civic university movement, focusing on how universities can support inclusive economic growth. Our work will focus on the economic impact of universities on place.
Productivity and Prosperity: Inclusive Growth for the West Midlands
At the heart of this project is the "productivity puzzle" and the magnitude of the issue facing the "problem regions".
The Midlands Engine Economic Observatory
The Midlands Engine Economic Observatory has been created to deliver an Independent Economic Review of the Midlands as well as a sector assessment of the potential impact of Brexit on the region.