International fellows

The CHASM International Visiting Fellowship Scheme has been running since 2018 and has enabled CHASM to host researchers from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, The Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States


Professor Jerry Buckland

Professor Jerry Buckland is the CHASM International Visiting Fellow for 2023. Jerry is Professor of Economics in the Redekop School of Business at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU), and a Faculty Member in International Development Studies at the University of Winnipeg. His research and teaching examine the financial dimensions of human wellbeing. Jerry is running the final stages of a 6-year research project, the Canadian Financial Diaries, which is based at CMU’s Centre for Resilience.

CHASM International Visiting Fellowship research

Do skills in math/s better enable people to manage their money?

In September and October 2023, I had the pleasure of spending six weeks at the University of Birmingham based at the Centre for Household Assets and Savings Management, CHASM. I was here as a part of the International Research Visiting Fellowship Scheme. It was a very rich time of meeting new colleagues, learning about their work, and learning about the activities of the Centre. CHASM is an impressive organization, doing very important work, and CHASM faculty and staff were incredibly friendly and made me feel at home. On top of engaging with people at the Centre I was able to participate in field research in Birmingham.


Dr Mat Despard

Mat is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work at UNC Greensboro, a Faculty Director and Visiting Scholar with the Social Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis, an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Kenan-Flagler Business School at UNC Chapel Hill, and member of the Academic Research Council of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Mat conducts research on micro economics, financial wellbeing, economic mobility, financial inclusion, student debt, access to health care, employment, and social policy with a focus on low- and moderate-income households.

Professor Deirdre O’Loughlin

Deirdre O'Loughlin is a Professor of Marketing at the Kemmy Business School in the University of Limerick. Her research interests lie in a broad range of areas including branding, services and relationship marketing and her PhD research (completed in 2003) focused on the role of branding and relationships within retail financial services. More recently, her research interests have focused on a range of critical marketing and consumption issues within online and offline settings, including the impact of austerity on individuals and households, consumer credit and debt, marketing and consumer responsibility considerations, as well as social and public policy outcomes. She has published in a broad range of highly ranked international peer reviewed journals including Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Sociology, Social Policy and Administration, The Services Industries Journal, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Irish Marketing Review, and the Australasia Journal of Marketing.

Dr Deirdre O’Loughlin is collaborating with CHASM’s Dr Caroline Moraes to explore the enduring effects and recurrent nature of crises such as austerity and COVID-19, which have highlighted the critical importance of investigating financial insecurity and the need to develop innovative strategies and policies to help support financial equality and welfare, and alleviate poverty. The study aims to investigate, identify and compare household and stakeholder perspectives on the nature and extent of current financial insecurity in post-austerity UK and Ireland, as both countries begin to emerge from the global pandemic. It will identify appropriate resilience strategies and responses as well as innovative policy interventions to address enduring financial insecurity leading to poverty through a two stage approach with interviews with representative organisations in both countries and in-depth interviews with a selection of participant households affected by financial insecurity.


Dr Sarah Kuypers

Dr Sarah Kuypers was hosted by Dr Lee Gregory, collaborating with CHASM to research pro-poor savings and asset-building policies as a potential future policy path in Europe, complementing existing social security provisions.

CHASM Seminar: Poverty in the EU using augmented measures of financial resources

Dr Pushpa Wood

Dr Pushpa Wood was hosted by Professor Andy Lymer to research how the unique circumstances of individual students’ impact on their financial capability in the context of studying at university in New Zealand, Birmingham (UK) and Pretoria in South Africa.

CHASM Seminar: Understanding spending amongst marginalised female communities: the case of Māori women – lessons for the UK

Dr Micheál Collins

Dr Micheál Collins main research interests and publications are in the areas of income distribution, taxation, redistribution, economic evaluation and public policy. Micheál was hosted by Professor Andy Lymer.

CHASM Seminar: Who benefits from 0% and exempt rates of VAT?

Professor Federico Ferretti

Professor Federico Ferretti worked with Professor Karen Rowlingson to analyse the extent to which Fintech contributes to financial inclusion and the protection afforded to consumers across Europe.



Dr Oana Druta

Dr Oana Druta is a Cultural Geographer and Urban Planner, primarily conducting cross-national research in the field of housing. Oana was hosted by Dr Louise Overton in 2019 and worked on a project called Home investments and aging-in-place: comparing policy contexts and household practices in the UK and the Netherlands.

CHASM Seminar: Shifting responsibilities: Homeownership and life-course transitions in a comparative perspective -with Julia Cook

Dr Irni Rahmayani Johan

Dr Irni Rahmayani joined host Professor Karen Rowlingson in 2019 to research financial capability of populations in Southeast Asia.

CHASM Seminar: Financial Capability in Southeast Asia

The Effect of Personal Finance Education on The Financial Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour of University Students in Indonesia, Irni Johan, Karen Rowlingson, Lindsey Appleyard.

Dr Julia Cook

Dr Julia Cook joined CHASM host Dr Louise Overton in 2019. Julia’s research interests include the sociology of youth, time and housing.

Julia and Louise will be worked on the project: The bidirectional impact of intergenerational transfers for entry into the property market: Understanding wellbeing implications for donors and recipients.

CHASM Seminar: Shifting responsibilities: Homeownership and life-course transitions in a comparative perspective -with Oana Druta

Housing and Intergenerational Relations: Family Support and the Mixed Economy of Housing in the UK, Karen Rowlingson, Louise Overton, Julia Cook.

Intergenerational Assistance with Home Ownership: Understanding the Relational Development of Financialized Subjectivities, Julia Cook & Louise Overton



Professor Bernadene de Clercq

Bernadene’s field of research is financial wellness (or financial security), encompassed in the financial capability approach. In 2018 Bernadene was hosted by Professor Andy Lymer.

CHASM Seminar: Retirement reform in South Africa: Our journey to pension tax simplification

De Clercq B, Lymer A,.& C. Axelson (2019), ’Tax simplification of retirement benefits – an analysis of the tax simplification initiatives for pension provision in the UK and South Africa’, in ‘Tax simplification: An African perspective’, Pretoria University Law Press, South Africa (book edited by C. Evans)

Dr Stefan Angel

Dr Stefan Angel, joined Dr James Gregory and Professor Andy Lymer in 2018 to work on new approaches to CHASM’s on-going research on housing tenure and wellbeing leading to the below output.

CHASM Seminar: What did you really earn last year? Explaining measurement error in survey income data

Angel, S. & Gregory, J. (2021) Does housing tenure matter? Owner-occupation and wellbeing in Britain and Austria, Housing Studies.

Associate Professor David Rothwell

CHASM international research fellow, Dr David Rothwell, researches cross-national variation in savings and asset holding and was hosted by Professor Karen Rowlingson in July 2018.

CHASM Seminar: Low wealth in rich countries: Exploring cross-national variation at the lower tail of the wealth distribution