Participate in brain research

We can't carry out groundbreaking brain research without you.
We are always looking for volunteers to participate in the research projects taking place in the Centre. These can range from short, one-off computer-based behavioural tasks, to longer-term studies using our larger imaging equipment, such as our MRI scanner.
Studies sometimes offer incentives for participation, such as payment, vouchers, freebies, etc.
Volunteer eligibility criteria differs for each study (e.g. age, sex, language proficiency etc), and will be outlined by researchers upon recruiting.
Our Centre is used for research and educational purposes only, and as such, we, and our researchers, do not provide medical advice, diagnoses or treatment.
Once you have filled in the above form, you will subsequently receive an email confirming that you have been added to our mailing list (chbh-studies@lists.bham.ac.uk). You are under no obligation to read or respond to the emails sent to you via the mailing list, and you are free to unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time. To unsubscribe, please send an email anytime to chbh@contacts.bham.ac.uk expressing your intention to be removed from the list.
Data protection
Please note that by signing-up to our mailing list above, you agree to your data being processed in accordance with the University of Birmingham's privacy policy.
Request MRI data
- If you participated in a CHBH MRI study in the past and wish to send a request to retrieve your data, please fill in the MRI Data Request form.
- If you are a CHBH researcher and you need to retrieve permissions/consent on participant data for the purpose of MRI T1 scans, please fill in the Dicom T1 Request form.
I found the study extremely interesting. The tests on the state of the art equipment were all fascinating. The staff involved in the study were informative, motivating, and enthusiastic.